Thursday, January 31, 2019

city of god excerpt (loc.9385-9515)

the good angels hold cheap all that knowledge of material and transitory things which the demons are so proud of possessing not that they are ignorant of these things but because the love of god whereby they are sanctified is very dear to them and because in comparison of that not merely immaterial and ineffable beauty of the holy love in which they are inflamed they despise all things which are beneath it and which are not of god and that they may enjoy with it all that is good and all sources of this goodness and therefore they have a more certain knowledge even of those temporary and mutable things because they contemplate their principles and sources in a word of god by which the world was made those causes by which one thing is approved another rejected and all arranged but the demons do not behold the wisdom of god in these eternal and as it were cardinal causes of things temporal but only foresee a larger part of the future than men do by reason of their greater acquaintance with the signs that are hidden from us sometimes too it is their own intentions they predict as the demons are frequently yet the angels never deceived for it is by the aid of things temporal and changeable to conjecture the changes that may occur in time and to modify such things by one's own will and faculty and this is granted to the angels by a just discretion for without end they enjoy contemplation and participation in him ==================== nevertheless if men are called gods because they belong to god's people are not the immortals who already enjoy the felicity which men seek to attain by worshiping god much more worthy of the title and what shall by the reply to this if not that it is with reason that in holy scripture men are more expressly styled than those immortal and blessed spirits to whom we hope to be equal in the resurrection because there was a fear that the weakness of unbelief being overcome with the excellence of these beings might presume to constitute some of them a god in the case of man this was a result that need not be guarded against besides it was right that the men not belonging to god's people should be more expressly called gods to assure and certify them that he who is called being of beings is their god because although those immortal and blessed spirit who dwell in the heaven are called gods yet they are not called being of beings that is to say gods of the men who are god's people and to whom it is said i have said ye are gods and all of you the children of the most high hence the saying of the apostle though there be those tat are called gods whether in heave or on earth as there be gods many and lords many but to us there is but one god the father of whom are all things and we in him and one lord jesus christ by whom are all things and we in him ================== it is the decided opinion of all those who think that people desire to be happy first and foremost but who are happy and how they become so these are questions about which the weakness of human understanding stirs endless and angry controversies about which philosophers have wasted their strength and expended their leisure but regarding the future life of happiness whether we can reach it by paying honors to the one true god you must have the wit to perceive that the human soul immortal and rational or intellectual cannot be happy except by partaking of the light of that god by who both itself and the world were made and also the happy life which all men desire does not come about except thru an unchanging attention to a pure and holy devotion to that one supreme good the unchangeable god but even as these philosophers who "becoming vain in their imaginations" it remains to be determined whether the angels desire us to offer sacrifice and worship and to consecrate our possessions and ourselves top them or only to god ours and theirs ==================== the word religion might seem to express more definitively the worship due to god alone and not only the uneducated but also the best instructed use the word religion to express human ties relationships and affinities and it would introduce ambiguity to use this word to imply worship alone unable as we are to say that religion is nothing but the worship of god without contradicting the common usage of the world as applies to a whole variety of social relationships this worship which the greeks called laternia and in latin servitus but the service due to god only this worship which in greek is called threskia and in latin religio but the religion by which we are bound to god only this we say belongs only to the god who is the true god and who makes his worshipers gods and therefore whoever these blessed and immortal inhabitants of heaven be if they do not love us and wish us to be blessed then we ought not to worship them but if they do love us and desire our happiness they cannot wish us to be made happy by means other than those that they themselves have enjoyed for how could they wish our blessedness to flow from one sources and their from another ====================

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Extra material 2

"F me hard NOW!" Annie screamed at me, and I just laughed instead, as I could not feel any part of her at all and -- what's more -- I realized I was in love with Mary Riccardi. ==================== A.A. had nut-brown hair with blonde streaks and highlights, she wore stylish clothes, I felt a thrill run up and down my spine when she presented herself in the atrium of her building as she descended to the lobby. She was only five-foot-five but I felt her to be much taller than I was. She would not disclose her age, which I took for granted that this was a woman's prerogative; my relationship with Mary R. had accustomed me to that habit of women; indeed, it comported with my idea of a literary romance. ====================== Wilma Hildegaard instead of Kathleen Hildebrand, Michelle Quinn becomes Shelly Calhoun, change Jane Russo to Jane Rossi =================== Carlos, a broker at Crompton Blake said I looked like the salesman who goes beserk portrayed by Michael Douglas in the movie "Falling DOwn"; I did not see the movie, but here's what the Qll Movie Guide rates it: ==================== Debra said she had wild oats to sow, which really hurt me ==================== I told my drill Sergeant that I sold securities from, from, I recalled my nascent patriotism, from AMERICAN Mutual Corporation. ==================== I did not want to have a baby, rather, I wanted to make Mary R. my baby, and come home from work and find out what happened during the day in all the movies that were featured in the programming that was on American Movie Classics and Turner Classics, two channels she adored. ==================== Somewhere Leo Tolstoy writes that his mother wished for him to have an affair with a married woman which would, she felt, really help refine and polish his manners..... ==================== Making love while rubbing noses, kissing like Eskimos, embracing like lovers in a Japanese tea-ceremony, we both felt protected under the large American flag that waved imposingly over the Super K-Mart in Winston-Salem. ==================== Ilana Baranov from Sofia used to be forced to cheer for communism in groups of students assembled outside the governmental buildings around the capital, we watched the film adaptation of Czeslaw Milosz's "Unbearable Lightness of Being" and it was like a shock to her. "This is just like it happened in my country," she said as she watched the footage of the entry of the tank announcing the overthrow of Communism after so many years of repression. ==================== She had my mother's initials, Irene Blair's I.B. to Ilana Baranov and when I met her husband, it shocked my that his initials were identical to mine, Stephan Baranov's S.B. to Steven Blair. ==================== In high school, before she transferred to Andover, Celeste Cole would pose in front of me holding the album "Stick Fingers" by The Rolling Stones, sometimes she would hold The Velvet Underground & Nico before her, which was from her father's collection of antique records, this copy being made with a banana that you could peel. Stupid me, I still didn't get the hint until one day, she me up in her room in the old house on Church Road that her parents owned in West Haverstraw, I think I could've made love to her that day but I did not have a condom on me and more importantly, she wanted to smoke marijuana she had found her father's stash...she eventually slept with Marlene Hunter's boyfriend instead. ==================== love a woman without lust in your heart, achieving domination but only through submission to the requirement of being a perfect lover, I set myself a formidable (perhaps impossible) goal ==================== to me love meant being willing to die for the loved one, and where could I find that in today's society where love is passing fancy, a momentary flirtatious punctuation marks on a random encounter. Nevertheless, I believed in love and I would have died for love, I had to bite my tongue not to make a suicide pact with Annie A. If I could have found the aged narcotic medicine that my mother claimed to have I would have carried this plan out with her and who knows if she would have accepted it? ==================== Nearly thirty years before the #MeToo movement became in vogue, I refused my first foray into the world of sexual experience with the stunning Celeste Cole, a future Harvard graduate, Oxford scholar and Olympic decathlete, because I felt she did not properly give her consent. ==================== We are souls who chose each other becoming incarnated in a family on earth. ==================== Judy bought all her clothes at Cache, which was located in the then-newly opened Time-Warner building at Columbus Circle in midtown, saying, "Nearly everything I own comes from there." ================== Judy Frank would sleep with "anything with two legs," according to her father. ==================== On the night when I was contacted by the Holy Spirit, that evening my mother had attended a healing mass. What had transpired on that night at that mass affected me physically and mentally.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Extra material

two important section to be written: Annie at the hotel - dog-sitting during a black out at 440 w 34th st.======= You can probably have a picture of the frustration and anger that kept building up in me -- It led me to imagine, as i left the Port Authority and emerged into the streets of New York, seeing the backs of various young women as they shuffled to their various places of business, shooting them with a weapon in the back as they made their way. Was I psychotic? I think there was a time, even before my brain injury, when I would visualize how I would incapacitate somebody immediately after I met them, perhaps that was a form of psychosis? All I know is that I spent most of my day in the grip of fear, fear and overwhelming sexual desire that left me feeling choked-off at the soul.======== Why didn't I stay with Debra Mandlebaum if sex was what I desired? She certainly made herself sexually available and, truly, she sought to please me each time I was with her - and she was always available during the time I knew her. Was it that she was Jewish? The truth is, I was never satisfied, not with Mary Riccardi because I couldn't watch her get ready for a date and primp herself before the mirror, like I could with Ilana, who was from the Czech Republic. [add more] It took me back to how I had originally watched my mother get ready, put on her make-up and lipstick, etc. Ilana, when I told her about how I had met Mary, said to me, "You'll find out, she'll disappoint you. Beautiful women who wear a lot of make-up are never ready as quickly as I can get ready," which was true, she really could get ready to go out in ten minutes, much unlike Mary R., who had to go to the beauty parlor every Saturday without fail to get her hair done.======== How I wanted a better woman each time, more beautiful, more feminine, a woman with a spirit that was actually a free spirit -- I looked for someone who was more well,connected, more politically involved, someone who offered me access to greater personalities and, most of all, potential materials for a literary career, which I thought myself capable of even then. I even cheated on Jane Russo with a woman who claimed to know the woman who was then head of the New York State Teacher's Union. "Here's a woman with the right connections," I thought to myself.======== Straight sex, in the missionary position, with me on top of the woman, was all I desired. It was only when I was alone, without a sexual partner, that I desire alternate forms of sexuality - those not approved by the military code - and these perverse dreams and wishes disappeared with the introduction of the Risperdal anti-psychotic something which, to me, lent credence to Alfred Adler's theory of physiological inferiority as being the origin of psychological inferiority, for the truth is, I truly became a man for the first time after my exposure of this anti-psychotic drug, not Zyprexa (which did not make me feel good) but Risperidone. Secondary sexual characteristics appeared to be more fully developed in me after I was on Risperdal for several months, for instance my scrotum descended more fully, my testicles were mow hanging like a pair of balls should instead of being what they previously were, which is tighter, wrapped close to me body. That's a suitable was to describe the changes I noticed, I think. Moreover, in general I witnessed my body mature one last stage to which there was previously an obstacle barring the way; my body fleshed out and there was significant weight gain; I was no longer a "wimpus Wimpissimus." In a similar way, this anti-psychotic helped me sleep through the night and helped me be awake through the way, rather than be in a dream-state both day and night as well.======= When I told these thing to Dr. Charles he beamed approvingly, but after I told him I was concerned about my thoughts of bringing a gun into NYC, he changed his tune: "You're obsessing," he said, and double the amount of Risperdal I took to 4 mg per day, which had the effect of banishing these thoughts and helping think clearer in general. I once asked a question in an online chat forum as to why Risperdal helps me think more clearly and I received the following response from a user who went by the handle of "Tweety Bird" that, based on her knowledge of the effectiveness of anti-psychotic drugs and in her twenty years of experience as a psych nurse, that we do know how Risperdal works, because it's an antipsychotic and its mechanism is to block dopamine and serotonin 5-HT2 brain receptors. Most medications used in psychiatry to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, she said, work by inhibiting dopaminergic activity. It's thought that it's hyper-activation of the ventral tegmental area and dorsal striatum regions that cause the positive symptoms of schizophrenia which include altered thinking. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters that affects mood. When serotonin 5-HT2 receptors are blocked, this maintains mood stability. Mood often affects thinking, which is why, she concluded, that Risperidone make me think more clearly.======= Debra being on the pill, I did not have to use condom, which I thought I could not use, my only experience being with the Trojans brand, which caused me to lose my erection, besides, I wanted to fall in love and, more importantly, have the women fall in love with me and to this point, I considered that only by riding "bareback" could you give and receive pleasure. What's more, I wanted to become an expert "cocksman", able to regulate my seminal flow through mental power alone. I considered myself quite successful at this method, too, as Ilana Novak and Mary Riccardi never had a pregnancy and I had slept with each of them scores of times. Perhaps, also, that was why I gravitated to older women, women who do not want to have children; but it appears that all women, even Annie, too, want children, and feel guilty for keeping a man for themselves who they feel ought to be raising a family [relate incident].======= The night Judy Frank made me take care of her dog, Rex -- I was deeply in love, in spite of her telling me to snap out of it, like Cher tells Nichoas Cage in the movie "Moonstruck." - It was perhaps another psychic perturbation.======= "Use your words, Steven," Annie said to me, when we were in bed at my place. I could never make my feelings known to her -- I couldn't do anything, for I realized I was in love with Mary Riccardi.======= Annie and I drove to Allentown, Pennsylvania to put her dogs in a kennel that she approved of when she went to San Francisco on business.======= "Who said you could do that?" she asked me, which was not very seductive, to say the least. I wondered if she was the kind of woman who could accuse a man of rape in a hotel room she had paid for. Needless to say, it took much of my enthusiasm away.======== In my senior year at Bard, two women came to my room in the last week during the grace period which occurs after finals were over and before commencement. One was a woman who I could not tell if she was from America or Europe, which kind of fits the image of the Bard College student. The other was Maxine Brown, a cute black girl (she was only a sophomore) who I had flirted with in a Creative Writing class. They both wanted to party, although not at the same time. They came to my door on two succeeding days. But I did not do anything with them, for I was "in love" with Debra Mandlebaum. Looking back, I'd say here was an opportunity squandered, for me to get "even" with Debra, who had already had two lovers, and I refused the pair who would have made me feel that I had the same amount of experience, was on the same level, I felt, as she. I fooled around with both of them, I even took all of Maxine's clothes off to admire her supply body, but I did not make love to her, as she said she was a virgin, and I always felt reluctant being a woman's first lover. To me, it wasn't what her parents would have wanted, and so I chose not to lead her to a pathway to sexual freedom of my own volition. "Let someone else show her the way," I said to myself.======= I did not see Maxine again until 2003. Before I met Annie Armstrong, I managed to become "Friends" with Maxine thru Facebook, and we contacted each other once again. We were excited to re-introduce ourselves; she was working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as an administrator and had an apartment in Queens. I picked her up at the museum one day in the summer of 2003, she was ensconced in one of the office-rooms immediately prior to the display of Greek and Roman statuary on the first level.======= Also, I knew a Charlene Zuck from Chalmette, Louisiana, which made Ivar and Irene look askance at me when they found out about her. "Where'd out met her?" he asked me. That made me wonder what kind of women were from that part of Louisiana? However, Charlene had an apartment in Brooklyn Heights, where, Ivar said, the comedian Bill Cosby had once lived, that was long before he was was ultimately convicted and disgraced in a rape trial last year.======= Why are there so many transgenders today? Recollection of a young girl saying at the age of five that she was a boy by the name of "Gill". What is unconscionable is that several teachers have been fired from their jobs for using a pronoun that did not sit well with the transgender child's linguistic preferences. Truly, society has turned upside-down! These children grown into adults who expect a world that does not exist (write it out)======= Do people ever ask you for "metaphysical" information and what do you say to them in response? Such things as, heaven, God, the afterlife, Jesus, etc. I think it's true, judging from the conversations I've had with Jacob Goldfarb, my childhood friend who bcame a rabbi. After not hearing much from him in the last several years he suddenly moved east to my state, along with his husband, a black man named Larry Tower.======= Growing up - Heidegger's philosophy paved the way for Dungeons & Dragons - a society of individuals as monads - pleasure in solitude - internal activities, computer games=======

Improbable story

My primary care physician, Dr. Stephen Kaplan, wants me to get my labs done every six months but I have protested that it is inconvenient for me to do so and thus I only get them done once a year. When I lived in New Milford NJ and developed a seizure disorder my doctor, Dr. Howard Maker, chief of neurology at Bergen Regional Medical Center, a dreary state hospital in Bergen County, used to make me get lab work done every three months. I hated going there, it reminded me of the time I first encountered Bergen Regional, which was when I was confined to the psychiatric ward for several weeks in 2003. I had been involved with Annie Armstrong and was in love with her to the point of obsession. I have written about that period in my life below. ========================= After I ceased seeing Annie, I started working as an independent insurance broker and using the apartment I rented in Rutherford NJ as a home office. During this period I wasn't seeing any doctors. That changed when my father introduced me to Dr. Mark Charles, whose office is in New City NY. But at some point prior to that meeting, I applied for Social Security. Could it have been before I spent time as an in-patient at Bergen Regional that I applied for Social Security? The honest truth is I cannot remember that far back. I am trying to convey my experiences as truthfully as possible, but my write-ups suggest that I am a poor historian... I know definitely that I had applied for S.S. at the time when I still lived in Rutherford, as I can recall being sent on all sorts of journeys to various doctors and testing facilities. In one of my applications for S.S.D.I., I had made a complaint of eye troubles, and for that they sent me to an office somewhere in Bergen County, I can't remember where - but I remember jumping for joy because now, I thought, I could finally meet a doctor who observe the physical condition of my eyes and see, up close and personal, what ailed me. However, much to my dismay I did not meet a person at all, but was ushered into a room where I was tested by a machine which measured the range of my visual restrictions. After this I ultimately received a letter informing me that, while my range of vision was limited in some respects, as I have some difficulty looking both up and down, it was not to an extent that it should be considered disabling. It was only at the time of the Financial Crisis of 2006, when I had experienced some mental difficulties of a more acute nature, that I met Kathleen Hildebrand, the social worker who serves Rutherford's needy and she worked with my parents to get me moved to New Milford NJ. ========================= Like most applicants for Social Security, my case was initially declined. Then my mother and I found Binder and Binder, I can't recall where they were located but I know it was in Jersey somewhere off of Route 46. Towards the end of 2008, still living in New Milford and about six months after being declined by S.S., I developed a seizure disorder and suddenly I was back at Bergen Regional. There I met Dr. Howard Maker who gave me a thorough neurological examination and it was his report to Social Security, which was entered into evidence at my hearing in Newark in 2009, stating that I have obliquely displaced double vision and an abduction of right gaze, which got me approved for Social Security Disability benefits. I'm not a doctor, but I can report that a few physicians I have shared this story with have suggested that it is extremely improbable that I should develop a seizure disorder fifteen years after the car accident where I suffered a diffuse brain injury and if they only knew as to how crucial my seizure was to my being eligible for benefits, I believe they would find it even more compelling. Truthfully, I believe the hand of God was at work, and that I developed a seizure disorder to put me in front of a neurologist who could accurately assess my condition. Now, does this story sound as improbable to you as it does to me?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

On Annie Armstrong

The story of Annie Armstrong can not easily be separated from the story of another love-interest of mine, one who lived out West. I met Deirdre Spellman in downtown Manhattan one day in the summer of 2003, she was from Arizona and was visiting relatives on Long Island. Mutually attracted to each other, we hit it off so well we even went back to NJ to my apartment, where I took a shower and changed clothes, before returning to Rockefeller Plaza for drinks and conversation, on our way to Penn Station, where she caught her train back to Long Island. I immediately wanted to make her mine. We exchanged numbers, the look of matrimony was in my eyes. We made plans for me to visit her during the winter and I did in fact visit her in Phoenix, where she worked on projects as a business manager for a company that designed ejection seats for the Federal Government. We spent the week in Arizona going to various cities, including Chandler, Gilbert, and various college towns surrounding the University of Arizona, I was wearied with desire being with her; I wanted to take her to Sedona and make love to her with an intense passion. But sadly, that was not to be, when I got there she sat me down and told me how she had met an old friend in the meantime, a man who was looking to get re-married after he had lost his wife, a man with children of his own, who already had a house in Scottsdale, which is a very nice town. Deirdre even took me there in our journeys around Arizona; she rented a black Range Rover for the occasion, as she did not want to put a great amount of mileage on her own car, which was a gold Mark Eight. ========================= Immediately prior to my trip out West to visit Deirdre, I met Annie Armstrong and here my real adventures with women began. She was an editor at a major New York publishing company, and I met her while walking the streets of Chelsea, her neighborhood, I took her phone number and gave her my card at Manhattan Life, an act which her sister despised as being that which accorded with vainglorious New York businessmen. Disappointed with this change in our status from would-be lovers to just friends, I told Deirdre all about Annie Armstrong. Now reconciled to just remaining friends with Deirdre, I checked my email from her house in Phoenix. Annie had written to me alright, she just wrote to me a line or two. There was a snowstorm back east and she said you'd better stay put for awhile, the wind could knock you down your plane in an instant - I spent the night in the AZ airport as all flight east were cancelled because of the storm, Deirdre dropped me off to go visit the man who for all intents and purposes was her new fiancee. ========================= When I got back to New York, just before the weekend I called Annie's cell phone and asked her to go see the Nicole Kidman movie, The Hours, and she replied that she would most certainly go, as she had read every word Virginia Woolf ever wrote. Afterwards she complained that she didn't like the Phillip Glass music that was featured in the film. She told me that she had six chihuahuas as pets and that she watched "Sex in the City" every week, which was then being featured on HBO. She also told me she had just come back from an island with Heidi Klum and, as we were in a taxicab in midtown passing in view of a huge poster of the aforesaid fashion model, she waved to her and said, "Hi, Heidi." Now in some ways I inwardly cringed at this show of vanity, egocentricity or at the very least a downright embarrassing falsehood, still part of my credulous self believed in her fabrications, after all she was an editor to the stars. "I do dieting, lifestyle and health and fitness books," she said to me, "and I have to prognosticate on whether in a given season, books with more optimistic tones or more pessimistic tones will dominate the literary scene." Such was the talk she led me on with, I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. A few dates later, she told me had dated an Italian man named Guillermo who had a lithography business in the West Village, she, a divorced woman who lived out her fantasies of sexual promiscuity based on the events she saw in "Unfaithful", starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane, which was a tale involving marital infidelity - a movie she went to see by herself. Just like in the movies, Annie would go down to Guillermo's residence/place of business in the West Village for their periodic rendezvous. "No words now, Annie," as he proceeded to take her to bed, she let me know in that certain way only women have of telling you between the lines that she was open to anal sex-play. ========================= Later when she called me at Manhattan Life Insurance Company, she was desperate, she was being sued by the host of a Cable-TV Home Improvement show. Todd Morris a fellow agent said to me, "She's got six dogs in this town? You know she's crazy, right?" I should have said to him, "Well, that's a good match, because I'm crazy, too." Instead I listened to her complain that on the very day she took a day off from work there was a journalist who did a write-up about the prospects for this year's publications and quoted several of her co-workers who, Annie said, were far less industrious and hard-working. "There'll be other articles in the future," I cajoled her from my desk and Manhattan Life, where I was so busy trying to sell 401(k) plans that I neglected the insurance side of things, much to my demerit. I was trying to make my territory the whole metropolitan region, canvassing Manhattan and several of the outer boroughs, across to Westchester to Mamoroneck NY (I had sold a 401k plan there while working as a broker for F.W. Leavitt at 2 Wall Street, just before 9/11), as well as covering a great swath of New Jersey, from Ramsey to Bridgewater. I was hanging by a thread on the job, I had met a Manhattan Life partner after I decided that the insurance business was my best option, as I did not see good prospects for the future in promoting stocks over the phone, anyhow an Indian fellow by the name of Rajit Mohendra had hired me but had been promoted to the Texas office of Manhattan Life and here I was telling this seriously distressed woman to rely on me, focus on me, a woman who was probably hanging on by her own very slender threads. Todd heard my end of the conversation with Annie and grinned admiringly, "Where'd you learn that?" he said, bearing his teeth, "Get them to depend on you, that's the way to do it," he inveigled me; I later found out he had several ex-wives in the city. ========================= There are whorehouses in New York City. You can read about their temporary locations in the back pages of the village's community newspaper, I did so and found about the location of one in midtown Manhattan. There were two short Filipino men in front of me. When I got inside I met the master of ceremonies and featured performer, a man who can only be described as an African-American version of the character Jaws from the James Bond film Moonraker, complete with the wiring effacing his "grill." Annie lived about fifteen blocks south of there. "Jaws" took one glimpse of my face of disgust and put me in a room with a short Spanish woman. So I knew about the neighborhood, so to speak. ========================= Through my relationship with Annie, I was able to indulge, if not in some small way attempt to gratify, my fiery obsession with Judith Reagan, the publisher, who had edited Howard Stern's autobiographical book titled Private Parts, which my mother had purchased for me when I was at Bard College. Another writer/editor of a similar namesake, Ann Coulter, had recently come on to the scene with a book about the circumstances surrounding Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings, Annie appeared to know all about her when I brought her up as being similar to her as far as her manner of speaking went. "Well, we're both from the South," she fibbed, I have since learned that Ann Coulter is from Connecticut. I would say Annie Armstrong fulfilled my desires to have a relationship with a working-woman of the world, although I cannot say I was able to possess her, my somewhat strained relationship with her pleased me because here was a woman who had the creativity of Judith Reagan, the vitriol of Anne Coulter and the titillating speech of WABC Radio's Monica Crowley, who I listened to as often as possible. ========================= At least a working-woman was what I thought I wanted; however, on several of our dates between January and July in 2003, at the end of the date, when the time came for her to return home, she would invariably find a reason to be brusque with me, always pick a fight or start an argument with me or even with the cab driver, choosing to be angry with him because of his being in the wrong lane -- even in the beginning of our relationship, when I took her to the Yale Club at Manhattan Life's Christmas party, I was always hoping that I would be able to set my eyes on her in her own natural surroundings and feast my eyes of that library she claimed to have. I guess my reason for dissatisfaction with her was that traveling to Manhattan was so tiring, and the streets of New York so crowded and hectic, she never gave me an opportunity to take shelter in a place where we could relax and get to known one another. Against my better inclinations to break off the relationship and start off again with someone new, maybe even a return to Mary Ruggerio, I decided to stick it out until the summer; I was determined to get inside her apartment and find out her secrets, at least see her library which I relished with much anticipation and desire as I had for Annie herself. ========================== In April I brought Annie Armstrong to a pastoral setting that was very important to me, the Don Bosco Marian Shrine complex being less than two miles away from my mother and father's house in Thiells NY. We drove from Manhattan up to Rockland County NY on Easter in 2004 to spend the day. First we went to an outdoor mass where there was a great big statue of Mary. It was bigger than life, about two stories tall, and it was very inspiring. I felt good going with Annie Armstrong, she was very receptive to going to mass with me but it hurt me when she did not go up to receive communion. That told me something about her religious nature. I guess she was Protestant, she came from South Carolina and to be honest I never brought up the question of religious affiliation with her. I don't even know to this day whether she was Baptist or Protestant or perhaps another denomination. I really didn't know at the time and still don't know; all I know if that - at the time - I was one hundred percent devoted to her, completely, thoroughly. ====================== Still four months into our relationship, while we were affectionate, there was barely and kissing and petting, much less actual sexual relations. What was the reason for her reluctance to spend the night with me? I questioned myself. I reasoned to myself that perhaps this was the mark of her excellence, or perhaps the mark of my excellence. If she could give herself freely to an exotic foreigner and have a wild time with him, perhaps she was taking a more cautious approach with me because she looked at me as husband material or as long-term material, at the very least. As I thought to myself, she's finally over her disappointments in love; I had wanted to be her knight in shining armor and bring her a balm of healing, forgiveness and love, what's more, I wanted to share with her my experience of love, which in reality was only my mother's love for me. ======================= It was then that I recalled a certain metaphysical experience I had in the years previous to my head injury, when I had just started attending Rockland Community College in the Fall of 1990. My English Composition professor, Dr. Samuel Draper, who had studied under Mark van Doren, was adamant about the new students in RCC's then-new Mentor/Talented Student program reading the New York newspapers every day but, to be quite honest, he mostly cared that we read the Sunday edition, which was devoted to literary topics. Well, following Dr. Draper's advise, I began browsing through the newspaper when I read an article concerning a famous diet doctor whose pronouncements and regimen for proper eating were making news in the early Nineties. That day in 1990, as I perused the article about the doctor, and I recall I was determined to learn for myself what all the fuss was about regarding this eminent physician who everyone, from housewives to professional men, were following this rigor and alacrity. As I read the article about the doctor, I fell in love with the journalist's description of the doctor's personal assistant, who was none other than Annie Armstrong, who was also mentioned in the article but who I was not to meet until 2003. Making that connection one again, I went online to the newspaper's database and did indeed confirm what I had long suspected. It was she! The two of us must be connected by some sort of physic wires, I thought. If I was already obsessed with my love for her, this revelation took it to a whole new level. Perhaps a psychiatrist would term my condition a 'psychotic reaction'. ========================= Then came May 1st, my birthday. She had previously let me know her thoughts on the subject, saying, "You know what I'm thinking on for you for your birthday? I think I will book a hotel and we can spend the night there. What do you think about that?" she asked inquisitively. That was music to my ears, that was the day of "assignation" I had been longing for with every fiber of my being. I croaked out my happy agreement to these arrangements, not really believing they would take place, as she was known for making speculative statements like this all the time, like when she said the dogs would be climbing all over us in bed someday. ======================== Did I mention that I was having vocal problems at the time ? During my stint in the U.S. Army, I had strained my vocal chords, actually they clicked with an audible "pop" while I was training and screaming my head off. I had wanted to be the best soldier possible, the top fighter, a true combat soldier who would receive medals for bravery and valor. I joined the Army about three months after 9/11. First I tried the Marines, I told soldier at a recruitment office in New Jersey, "I want to join the Marines because I'm the best there is." He said I could apply for Officers Training Candidate School after Basic Training. I felt I was fulfilling my destiny, I thought that George W. Bush was correct, that there would be world-revolution starting in the Middle East that would change the face of the globe and, what's more, I wanted to be a part of it. ========================= I ultimately would up rejecting the idea of joining the Marines, which would have been a more accurate way of following in my father's footsteps, probably because I was afraid of firing weapons, which a properly-train Marine is supposed to be an expert at. I would wind up choosing the army, as I found a friendly recruiter in Rockland County NY, who presented a less-warlike view of the Army lifestyle, to me it was more culture-friendly. I also had the idea of writing a book about the war, a view which Norman Mailer shared when he went into World War II and, like Mailer, I also had political ambitions, and I thought that by serving with distinction as a soldier in the army, I would have gained experience, through work and through combat, and plentiful material for my future writings, and a part of my thought this could be translated into a political career; the less ambitious part of me thought there was a possibility that I could find myself getting the training I needed to be an executive at America Newswire, as there had been managers above me who I had heard relating their time in the service; I believe Myers, the new Implementation manager, had been in the U.S. Navy. Perhaps I ought to have told Annie about my experiences in the armed forces, perhaps that would have made me more worthy of admiration, or least more of an object of desire, to her.... ========================= Anyhow, to make shorten a long story shorter, three months after I set off for the Fort Jackson military base, I came home. As Mary Ruggerio's mother said to her daughter, "I didn't know he could get out of it so easily as that?" True, back I was, back in New York, and looking for ward to my day of "assignation" with Annie Armstrong. On my birthday I left my apartment in Rutherford NJ, as it was a work-day and at a time when there was no direct service, I caught the bus to NYC at 4 PM, which brought me to Manhattan at 5 PM. As I was walking to her apartment, confident that I would finally get an opportunity to relax and spend some time inside her building, which was 440 W. 34th Street, I received a phone call on my cell phone, which I had just gotten from my friend in NJ who owned Telcom Global in River Edge NJ, (he had even obtained for me a "917" area code number, which was becoming all the rage in Manhattan during those days and perhaps even now), Annie called me with some anger in her voice. ======================= "Where are you?" she shouted at me, and when I explained that I was walking 8th Avenue towards 34th Street, she said, in an very exasperated voice, "You never check your messages!" Apparently she had called me when I was in the Lincoln Tunnel, when cell phone connections could not be made, or perhaps she had called me at home in NJ, I really don't remember, all I recall is that she said to me that she was in a taxicab and that she would swing by and pick me up on 34th Street and Broadway. She said that name of the hotel she and I were to stay at. My head felt almost awake at the idea of spending the night with her, which I had longed to do for all these past months. ======================== SECTIONS TO WRITE: How Annie reacted on our night together -- Getting into Annie's apartment by myself ========================== On our last date, I had taken Annie to one of George Bernard's singles parties at Tavern on the Green in 2005, shortly before my stay in Bergen Regional Hospital. I introduced her to George, she said to him, "George Bernard Shaw's my favorite author." He spoke to her about an unfinished novel he had in his desk. He appeared to approve of me bringing her there, I considered. I also recall asking her what she thought about the new Lucinda William latest CD, "World Without Tears." She had mentioned to me how she had shared one of that singer's previous albums, "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road" with her ex-boyfriend Guillermo. ======================== Then it hit me: Summer had arrived, and still my relationship with Annie was on life-support. I hardly saw her, much less made love to her morning and night, which is what I dreamed of. Although I had only been involved with Annie Armstrong for six months, I was in love with her to the point of obsession. (I guess I wanted immediate gratification.) Our relationship wasn't working out they way I wanted and, just miserably in love and feeling quite depressed about it, I left an almost tearful "goodbye" message on her cell phone. She must have become very concerned for me because she called my parent's telephone number; I had given her their number hoping that she would call my mother sometime, as Annie needed a mother, her own having passed away, and my mother needed a daughter, her own having dropped out of her life after marrying a Canadian who lived in North Carolina shortly after I graduated high school in 1990. Anyhow, I don't know what Annie was thinking, but she told my parents that I was following her and was possibly even lurking in the darkness outside her building, which was completely untrue. However, they believed her every word and, shortly after her phone call, my parents informed the police in Rutherford and the next morning, they came to my apartment. At first, the police wanted me to meet with a counselor and put me on the phone with this person, a woman who sounded concerned but completely flustered as to where I lived. She asked for directions to my place, mentioning that she was at the junction of Routes #1 and #9, just the very place where I got totally confused myself. In fact, this was the major reason why I took the NJ Transit train rather than drive my Saturn SC1 to work at Amerian Newswire in Jersey City, because the roads got so confusing to me in this area, my having double-vision and my being unable to see due to vision loss and, as an aside, also the reason why I never explored Hoboken NJ, although I always longed to. ========================= However, when I told the counselor not to worry herself, that I would handle this myself with the police, declining the offer of counseling, I made an error, for the cops immediately said to me, "You didn't want counseling, so we have to take you in," they were very direct with me. They put me into the back of the police car, two cars were parked outside my apartment and I can recall the old women who lived above me, perhaps I did not know her name, she called out the window asking what was happening to me. "It's all right," I entreated her, "I'll be back directly." Instead, the police transported me to Bergen Regional Medical Center, where I spent the next three weeks. I was in a state of great terror, as I had no idea where I was and little clue as to what my status was or given direction as to who was in charge. No one ever addressed me or spoke to me directly, they just started giving me a little pill which I later learned was 1 mg of a drug called Zyprexa, which had the effect of putting me to sleep when I took it, and they gave it to me both day and night. Consider my situation: Here I was falling helplessly in love with every woman I had the slightest relations with, which eventually led me to the psychiatric ward. I didn't know I had a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, I would have understood my condition at once if someone had come out and leveled with me in a more forthright manner; paranoid schizophrenia was something I had studied and wrote about, both on an undergraduate and graduate level. Not knowing my diagnosis, I was left to hypothesize to myself that I appeared to be suffering from a form of erotomania that led to a general degradation of my sensibilities. ========================= After they released me, I was to continue taking Zyprexa and for a time, and I continued going to Bergen Regional as an out-patient and continuing to live in Rutherford, sleeping all day and all night because of the medication. (Currently I take drug equivalent of 40 times the amount of Zyprexa they gave me in the hospital, as I now take 8 mg of Risperdal a day, 4 mg morning and again at night - and only when Dr. Charles increased my Risperdone to 4 mg a day did my vocal troubles disappear.) ========================= I actually did met Annie again on one occasion, never in my life have I disclosed this to anyone, but one day, while walking 8th Avenue in a northerly direction toward 50th Street where I was dating a woman by the name of Jane Russo, who had been a Broadway dancer but was now on the near side of 60 years old, I walked almost head on into none other but the person of Annie Armstrong herself. She was a little surprised to meet me but not overly so, she took meeting me as a natural occurrence. (Think of the odds: I had met her in Manhattan two times by chance, and in different areas of the city!) Perhaps by way of making conversation, she asked me if I knew what street she could take in order to pass through between the two main buildings of the Port Authority in order to get to 9th Avenue, which was a somewhat unusual question to ask for a native New Yorker. The fact is, I met her on 8th Avenue a little north of 42nd Street, but a little south of an X-Rated video parlor, a porn shop where for $5 you could watch women have sex with dogs in your own private cubicle. I think it's of some literary interest that I had my last meeting with her was at 43rd and 8th, whereas in Theodore Dreiser's novel, "The Genius", his protagonist last encounters the woman he is obsessed with at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Amazon/Pandora music listening stations (with Alexa)

THE FOLLOWING LIST ARE STATIONS THAT I HAVE AVAILABLE TO ME AT THIS TIME: =========================== Amazon Music Unlimited Playlists include the following: A.B.B. -- The Allman Brothers Band ; B.A.D. -- Big Audio Dynamite ; The Beach Boys ; Beatles Etcetera ; Bill Evans Piano ; Black Crowes ; BLUES mix ; Brubeck O.P. ; Carlos Jimi & Neil ; CHILDHOOD -- Early Pink Floyd, David Bowie live albums, KISS solo albums ; Clash ; CLASSIC ROCK ; Cure ; Dead Concerts ; Dean W. ; Dick's Picks ; Digital Downloads ; Discography ; Dylan Simon ; Elvis the King ; Elvis Favorites -- including the '68 Comeback Special, The Searcher, From Memphis to Nashville, Walk a Mile in My Shoes ; Emmy and Mark ; Exclusively Jazz ; FLASH ; Floyd ; Graham Costello ; Great American Songbook -- Bob Dylan's 5 Sinatra tribute discs, Sinatra's new Standing Room Only, Rod Stewart's Great American Songbook albums, Oscar Peterson's Songbooks plus My Fair Lady & Porgy and Bess, plus Oscar Peterson & Lionel Hampton's Complete Quartets and Quintets ; HARD ROCK ; KJ Piano ; Leonard Skinner: Complete Lynyrd Skynyrd and Van Zant discographies ; Lou Reed / Iggy Pop ; Lucinda W. / John H. ; Madonna Prince ; Madonna Live ; Marley Family ; METAL PARTY -- Metallica, KISS and Butthole Surfers ; Miles & Coltrane ; Mozart Etcetera ; NEW RELEASES ; Oscar Exclusively -- Oscar Peterson's Exclusively for My Friends ; OTHER STUFF ; Paul ; POSTPUNK ; Richard & Linda ; Road Trips ; Robin T. ; ROCK 1 -- The Rolling Stones, The Who/Pete Townshend, The Kinks and Eric Clapton ; ROCK 2 -- Jethro Tull, Queen, Roxy Music, ZZ Top, select Nick Cave and the first three Stooges albums ; Rod Stewart / Jeff Beck ; Ryan & Joe ; Select McCartney: Amoeba Gig, Back to the Egg, Choba B CCCP, Memory Almost Full, Press to Play, Red Rose Speedway, Tug of War, Unplugged - The Official Bootleg, Venus and Mars, Wild Life ; Sinatra Etcetera -- Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald ; SINCE 20 13 ; SOFT ROCK ; Stan Getz & Chet Baker ; Stones ; Tull Etcetera -- Progressive Rock ; Van the Man ; Who's Next (Deluxe Edition) ; Zappa ; Zeppelin ; ADDITIONAL ARTISTS FEATURED INCLUDE -- (Ween, Faces, Foreigner, Utopia, Aida, Alligator Records, John Mellencamp, Brad Paisley, Allen Toussaint, Ray Davies, Yo La Tengo, Great Van Fleet, ASIA, Kenny Barron & Dave Holland, Warren Haynes, Mississippi John Hurt, Todd Rundgren, Gary Moore, Vince Gill, The Del Lords, Gerry Mulligan, Robert Glasper, Gary Clark Jr., Blind Pig Records, Oliver Nelson, Buddy Guy, Keb' Mo', Black Sabbath, Sonny Landreth, Brahms, Judas Priest, Dion, Van Zant, Bruckner, The Byrds, The Doobie Brothers, Rich Robinson, Ornette Coleman, Chopin, Motorhead, Clifford Brown, The Lumineers, Erroll Garner, Jim Rotondi, Gov't Mule, The Eagles, Kim Simmonds, Jon Spencer/P.Galore, Levon Helm, Quincy Jones, Megadeth, Art Pepper, Gang of Four, Kamasi Washington, Artie Shaw, George Benson, Janis Joplin, John Denver, Nina Simone, Yo-Yo Ma, Mudhoney, Tedeschi Trucks Band, My Morning Jacket, Procol Harum, Anthrax, Peter Frampton, Ray Charles, 50 Cent, The Woodentops, Matthew Sweet, John Scofield, Dexter Gordon, W.A.S.P., The Feelies, Randy Newman, Andrea Bocelli, Rock Candy Funk Party, Hayden, Bachman, Jorn, The Magpie Salute, Cold War Kids, Rolling Blackouts C.F., Spoon, Roy Buchanan, Sinead O'Conner, Charles Lloyd, I'm Not There Soundtrack, Elian Elias, Grant Green, Wynton Marsalis, Real Estate, Last Exit, The Strokes, Dan Auerbach, Styx, Paul Weller, Lester Young, Laughing Hyaenas, Chick Corea, Blackberry Smoke, Big Daddy Kane, Gregg Allman, Deep Purple, Bud Shank, Lloyd Cole, The Hoodoo Gurus, Mendelssohn, Brad Mehldau, Mlah, Art Blakey, Itzhak Perlman, Nancy Wilson, Hank Mobley, Norman Granz, Bill Charlap, Billy Joel, Offenbach, Material, Sonya Yoncheva, McCoy Tyner, Freddie Hubbard, The Red Violin, Arcade Fire, The Police, Robert Schumann, Foster the People, Public Image Ltd., Sibelius, The National, Smooth Jazz, Paul Kelly, Ray Brown Trio, Horace Silver, Leslie West, Wayne Shorter, Bob Mould, Anthony Hamilton, Gregory Porter, Cage the Elephant, The Three Tenors, Phoenix, Tin Machine, Son Volt, Verdi, Vivaldi, The New Pornographers, Young the Giant, Tennis, The Black Keys, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds) ; ===================================== PANDORA STATIONS are as follows: Aaron Copland: Alborosie: American Symphony Orchestra: Amy Winehouse: Ana Popovic: Andres Segovia: Antonin Dvorak The Band: Bela Bartok: Ben Harper: Bert Kaempfert: Big Audio Dynamite: Bill Cosby: Bill Monroe: Bjork: Black Country Communion: The Black Crowes: Black Star Riders: Blues Evolution Bonnie Raitt: Boston: Boz Scaggs: Branford Marsalis: Bruce Springsteen: Buddy Guy: Cannonball Adderley: Charlie Haden: Charlie Hunter: Chet Baker: Chet Baker Quartet Radio: Chicago Radio: Chris Robinson Brotherhood: Chris Stapleton: Clarksdale: Classical Solo Piano: Claude Debussy: Cold War Kids: Cole Porter: Cowboy Junkies: The Cure: Dave Brubeck: Dave Grusin: Dave Davies: Dave Koz: David Benoit: David Byrne: Diana Damrau: Diana Krall: Django Reinhart: Doc Cheatham & Nicolas Payton: Doc Watson: Earl Klugh: Edgard Varese: Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong: Erik Satie: Floyd Cramer: Frank Chacksfield and His Orchestra: Frank Sinatra: Franz Liszt: Franz Schubert: Fredryk Chopin: Gaetano Donizetti: George Benson: George Carlin: Giacomo Puccini: Gil-Scott Heron: Gilberto Gil: Gioachino Rossini: Grover Washington Jr.: Gustav Mahler: Hank Jones: Harry Connick Jr.: Hot Tuna: "I Heard It Through the Grapevine by Marvin Gaye" Radio: Indie Rock: James Ingram: Jazz Founders: Jeff Beck: Joan Tower: Johann Sebastian Bach: Johnny Winter: Jorn: Joss Stone: Justin Townes Earle: Kansas Live: Keiko Matsui: Keith Jarrett etc.: Kenny Burrell: Kenny G: Kenny Vance: Ky-Mani Marley: The Last Poets: Lee Konitz (w/Brad Mehldau, Charlie Haden etc.): Lee Morgan: Lenny Bruce: Leon Botstein Radio: Leonard Bernstein: "Let Me Ride by Dr. Dre": Lions: Lou Reed & Metallica: Ludwig van Beethoven: Luna: Madonna: Mantovani: Massive Attack: Maurice Ravel: Michael Brecker: Mick Jagger: Modern Jazz Quartet: "Moody's Mood For Love by James Moody": Mouse on Mars: Nat King Cole: Neil Young: The New Basement Tapes: New Radicals: Nick Cave: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis: Ornette Coleman: Paul Weller: Perry Como: Pete Seeger: "Poinciana by Ahmad Jamal": Prince: R.E.M.: Ray Brown Trio: Red Garland: Richard Pryor: Richard Wagner: Robert Klein: Robert Plant: Robert Schumann: Robin Trower: Rufus Wainwright: Rush: Ry Cooder: Sade: Sergey Rachmaninov: Simon & Garfunkel: Slightly Stooped: The Smiths: SMOOTH JAZZ GENRE STATION: Sonic Youth: Spacemen 3: Stan Getz: Steely Dan (including Donald Fagen & Walter Becker artist seeds): "Step On by the Happy Mondays": Stephen Marley: Steve Earle: Steve Martin: Steve Winwood: The Streets (UK): "Thursday Afternoon by Brian Eno": Todd Rundgren's Utopia: Tom Harrell: Tom Petty: Tony Bennett: Traffic: Trap Music: U2: Vangelis: Vassar Clements: The Velvet Underground: "Walking on Thin Ice by Yoko Ono": The War on Drugs: Weezer: The Weirdness: Wilco: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Woody Guthrie: World Party: ZZ Top: =============================================== CONCEPTUALLY DEFINED STATIONS BARD COLLEGE RADIO = YEAH YEAH YEAHS + GALAXIE 500 + THE FEELIES + THE MEKONS + MORPHINE + ANI DEFRANCO + BELLE AND SEBASTIAN ; BEATLES POP RADIO = THE BEATLES + ELTON JOHN + SQUEEZE + THE KINKS + ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA + THE MONKEES + "DREAMS + YOU MAKE LOVING FUN BY FLEETWOOD MAC" ; BILL GRAHAM RADIO = GRATEFUL DEAD + SANTANA + ROLLING STONES ; BIRMINGHAM RADIO = GRAM PARSONS + EMMYLOU HARRIS + GRAM PARSONS WITH EMMYLOU HARRIS + "LOVE HURTS BY GRAM & EMMYLOU & BOULDER TO BIRMINGHAM BY EMMYLOU HARRIS" ; BLACK DANCE RADIO = JAMES BROWN + MICHAEL JACKSON + SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE + COMMODORES + EARTH WIND AND FIRE ; BLACK LOVE RADIO = MARVIN GAYE + AL GREEN + STEVIE WONDER + LUTHER VANDROSS ; BLACK PLANET RADIO = CURTIS MAYFIELD + PARLIAMENT + FUNKADELIC + GEORGE CLINTON ; BLUES CLUBS RADIO = DUKE ELLINGTON + SARAH VAUGHN + MOSE ALLISON + GEORGIE FAME + ROBERT CRAY + SONNY CLARK ; BLUES PERFORMERS RADIO = JOHN HAMMOND + ROY BUCHANAN + PAUL BUTTERFIELD + ALBERT COLLINS + FREDDIE KING + ALBERT KING ; BLUES ROCK RADIO = STEVIE RAY VAUGHN + JOE BONAMASSA + WALTER TROUT + THE JEFF HEALEY BAND + KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD ; BOB DYLAN RADIO = BOB DYLAN + 5 SONGS FROM "MODERN TIMES BY BOB DYLAN" ; CELTIC ROCK RADIO = THE POGUES + THE WATERBOYS + PREFAB SPROUT + MORRISSEY ; CLAPTON'S BLUES RADIO = ERIC CLAPTON + B.B. KING + J.J. CALE + HOWLIN' WOLF + MUDDY WATERS + BLIND FAITH + DEREK & THE DOMINOES + WILLIE DIXON ; CLASSIC REGGAE RADIO = BOB MARLEY + JIMMY CLIFF + UB40 + GREGORY ISAACS + BLACK UHURU + CULTURE + SONG SEEDS: "TRENCH TOWN ROCK & ONE LOVE/PEOPLE GET READY & THE HEATHEN & GUILTINESS & SO MUCH THINGS TO SAY & NATURAL MYSTIC BY BOB MARLEY" ; CONCEPTION CREST RADIO = CHARLIE PARKER + DIZZY GILESPIE + JOHN COLTRANE ; CUBANOS RADIO = RUBEN GONZALEZ + IBRAHIM FERRER + ARTURO SANDOVAL + SEPTETO NACIONAL + GATO BARIBERI ; CUTTING EDGE RADIO = RADIOHEAD + STARS OF THE LID + TV ON THE RADIO + RIDE ; CYBORG RADIO = BRIAN ENO + KLAUS SCHULZE + PHILIP GLASS ; DEAD FAN RADIO = GRATEFUL DEAD + JEFFERSON AIRPLANE + PHISH + SONG SEEDS: "UNBROKEN CHAIN & ATTICS OF MY LIFE & RAMBLE ON ROSE & WHARF RAT & CUMBERLAND BLUES & STELLA BLUE BY THE GRATEFUL DEAD" ; DIGITAL GLOBE RADIO = BILL LASWELL + MATISYAHU + TRICKY + GOLDIE + "IT IS ACCOMPLISHED BY PETER GABRIEL" ; EX-BEATLES RADIO = GEORGE HARRISON + PAUL MCCARTNEY + RINGO STARR + TRAVELING WILBURYS ; FORMAL MASTERPIECE RADIO = CAN + KRAFTWERK + STEVE REICH + KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN ; FREAK OUT RADIO = FRANK ZAPPA + CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND HIS MAGIC BAND + MEAT PUPPETS ; FRESH HITS RADIO = JAMES BLUNT + SONG SEEDS: "MISSING YOU BY JOHN WAITE + YELLOW BY COLDPLAY + NICK OF TIME & I CAN'T MAKE YOU LOVE ME BY BONNIE RAITT + SHUT YOUR EYES BY SNOW PATROL + CHANGE THE WORLD BY ERIC CLAPTON + BEFORE HE CHEATS BY CARRIE UNDERWOOD + SHE WILL BE LOVED BY MAROON 5 + THE UNINVITED BY ALANIS MORISSETTE + TORN BY NATALIE IMBRUGLIA + SUPERMAN (IT'S NOT EASY) BY FIVE FOR FIGHTING + OVER MY HEAD (CABLE CAR) BY THE FRAY + SUDDENLY I SEE BY K.T. TUNSTALL" ; FUNKY RADIO = GORILLAZ + DAFT PUNK + GROOVE ARMADA ; GOODBYE JERRY RADIO = JERRY GARCIA + DAVID GRISMAN + TONY RICE ; GUITAR TRIO RADIO = AL DIMEOLA + PACO DE LUCIA + JOHN MCLAUGHLIN ; HARDCORE RAP RADIO = PUBLIC ENEMY + NWA + DR. DRE + SNOOP DOGG + ICE CUBE + 50 CENT + 2 LIVE CREW ; HEAVY THINGS RADIO = NIRVANA + "YER BLUES BY THE BEATLES + YOUNG MAN BLUES BY THE WHO + T.V. EYE & GIMMIE DANGER & 1969 BY THE STOOGES + SPOONFUL BY CREAM + MACHINE GUN BY JIMI HENDRIX" ; HIGH TIME RADIO = CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL + JOHN FOGARTY + BOB SEGER + NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE ; JAZZ FUSION RADIO = PAT METHENEY + WEATHER REPORT + CHICK COREA ; JAZZ GIANTS = CHARLES MINGUS + THELONIOUS MONK + OSCAR PETERSON + WES MONTGOMERY + SONNY ROLLINS + "BODY AND SOUL BY COLEMAN HAWKINS" ; JAZZ PERFORMERS RADIO = BLUE MITCHELL + CAL TJADER + JIM HALL + RASHAAN ROLAND KIRK + CECIL TAYLOR ; JAZZ PIANO RADIO = BILL EVANS + KEITH JARRETT + BRAD MEHLDAU + LIONEL HAMPTON ; JOHN & YOKO RADIO = JOHN LENNON + YOKO ONO ; JONI & MORE RADIO = JONI MITCHELL + SANDY DENNY + LINDA THOMPSON + EMMYLOU HARRIS + JOAN BAEZ + RENEE FLEMING ; KING OF HEARTS RADIO = LUCINDA WILLIAMS + NEKO CASE + BETH HART + SUSAN TEDESCHI + SONG SEEDS: "VENTURA & SWEET SIDE & MINNEAPOLIS BY LUCINDA WILLIAMS" ; LEFT LONELY RADIO = CECILIA BARTOLI + JOYCE DIDONATO + ELINA GARANCA ; MADONNA DANCE MUSIC = MADONNA SONG SEEDS: "JUMP & HUNG UP & EROTICA (UNDERGROUND TRIBAL BEATS WANTED) & BEAUTIFUL STRANGER DANCE MIXES BY MADONNA" ; MALIBU SUMMER RADIO = AMERICA + BREAD + CHRISTOPHER CROSS + SEALS AND CROFTS + AL STEWART + JIM CROCE + "PLEASE COME TO BOSTON + IT NEVER RAINS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" DELETE ALL SONGS ; MARK'S ROCK AND ROLL RADIO = DIRE STRAITS + MARK KNOPFLER ; MASADA RADIO = BILL FRISELL + JOHN ZORN ; MILES ETCETERA RADIO = MILES DAVIS + HERBIE HANCOCK + WAYNE SHORTER + "IT'S ABOUT THAT TIME (LIVE) & KIX (LIVE) & MASQUALERO BY MILES DAVIS" ; MODERN ROCKERS = PETE TOWNSHEND + KEITH RICHARDS + FACES + "SISTER DISCO & GUITAR AND PEN FROM WHO ARE YOU" ; NEW DECEMBER RADIO = ANDREAS VOLLENWEIDER + GEORGE WINSTON + KITARO ; NEW YORK SUMMER NIGHTS = ABBA + BEE GEES + CHER + "BELIEVE + SONG FOR THE LONELY ; OLD HIPPIE RADIO = JIMMY BUFFETT + DAVID CROSBY + STEPHEN STILLS + GRAHAM NASH + BLOOMFIELD / KOOPER / STILLS ; OLD SCHOOL RAP RADIO = THE ROOTS + A TRIBE CALLED QUEST + DE LA SOUL + BASEHEAD + THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G. + TUPAC ; OTHER ONES RADIO = BOB WEIR + MICKEY HART + PHIL LESH (& FRIENDS) ; THE PALE MOONLIGHT RADIO = JOHNNY CASH + TOWNES VAN ZANDT + "COPPER KETTLE & DAYS OF 49 & LIVING THE BLUES & WOOGIE BOOGIE & BELLE ISLE BY BOB DYLAN" ; PAN-AMERICA RADIO = BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB + ALI FARKA TOURE + COMPAY SEGUNDO + LOS LONELY BOYS + LOS LOBOS ; POLYNOMIAL DANCE-C RADIO = APHEX TWIN + FATBOY SLIM ; POP MINIMUM RADIO = JACK JOHNSON + GILLIAN WELCH ; POSTPUNK RADIO = MUDHONEY + BUTTHOLE SURFERS + TAD + BAND OF SUSANS + KING MISSILE + THE PIXIES + SONIC YOUTH ; PROGRESSIVE ROCK RADIO = JETHRO TULL + THE MOODY BLUES + YES + THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT + KANSAS + KING CRIMSON + GENESIS + EMERSON, LAKE AND PALMER ; PUNK NEW YORK RADIO = TALKING HEADS + RAMONES + BLONDIE + TELEVISION + SEX PISTOLS + THE CLASH ; PUNK U.K. RADIO = ELVIS COSTELLO + JOE STRUMMER + GRAHAM PARKER AND THE RUMOUR + JOE JACKSON ; REAL COUNTRY RADIO = VINCE GILL + MARY CHAPIN CARPENTER + LYLE LOVETT + NANCY GRIFFITH + DWIGHT YOAKUM + ALLISON KRAUSS & UNION STATION + RANDY TRAVIS ; RICHARD T. RADIO = RICHARD THOMSPON + RICHARD AND LINDA THOMPSON + FAIRPORT CONVENTION ; ROCK FESTIVAL = JIMI HENDRIX + PINK FLOYD + LED ZEPPELIN + THE DOORS + QUEEN ; ROCKSTAR [SUBGENRE] RADIO = PEARL JAM + WHITE STRIPES + MY MORNING JACKET + RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS + GREEN DAY + URGE OVERKILL ; SANBORN & JAMES (CHANGED TO BOB JAMES RADIO) = BOB JAMES + DAVID SANBORN + BOB JAMES & DAVID SANBORN ; SINGING COWBOYS RADIO = PAUL SIMON + JAMES TAYLOR + JACKSON BROWNE ; SINGER/SONGWRITER RADIO = JIM CROCE + NEIL DIAMOND + GORDON LIGHTFOOT + CAT STEVENS ; SMOOTH GROOVING RADIO = EUGE GROOVE + EVERETTE HARP + CHRIS BOTTI + BONEY JAMES + JOE SAMPLE ; SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST BLUES ROCK RADIO = THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND + LITTLE FEAT + LYNYRD SKYNYRD + LEON RUSSELL + DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS ; SPANISH POP = RUBEN BLADES + TOM ZE + CAETANO VELOSO + SILVIO RODRIGUEZ + MILTON NASCIMENTO + GILBERTO GIL + ARNALDO ANTUNES ; TEENAGE PUNK RADIO = HUSKER DU + THE REPLACEMENTS + FUGAZI + THE MINUTEMEN + THE STONE ROSES + JANE'S ADDICTION ; VAN MORRISON BLUES RADIO = VAN MORRISON + JOHN LEE HOOKER + LIGHTNIN' HOPKINS + SON HOUSE + JIMMY REED + SKIP JAMES + JIMMY ROGERS ; WAKE FOREST RADIO = DAVE MATTHEWS + BLUES TRAVELER + LAMBCHOP ; WEST COAST BEATS RADIO = TOM WAITS + RICKIE LEE JONES ; WHITE HEAT RADIO = DAVID BOWIE + LOU REED + ROXY MUSIC + BRYAN FERRY + T. REX ; WILD CHILDREN RADIO = VAN MORRISON + GRAHAM PARKER + JOHN HIATT + PETER CASE + RYAN ADAMS ; END OF SERIES

Reading List 2018

Reading List 2018 Emile Zola - The Debacle - Literature - 514 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Sigmund Freud - The Psychology of Love - Psychology - 250 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Victor Hugo - Les Miserables - Literature - 890 pages - Paperback ; Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent - Social Criticism - 400 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - The Steppe - Literature - 120 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - The Duel - Literature - 128 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Theodicy - Theology - 400 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote - Literature - 925 pages - Paperback ; George Steiner - After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation - Literary Criticism - 560 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - An Anonymous Story - Literature - 100 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - Three Years - Literature - 120 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Friedrich Engels - Feuerbach: The Roots of the Socialistic Philosophy - 100 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Jurgen Habermas - Legitimation Crisis - Philosophy - 150 pages - Paperback ; Friedrich Engels - Anti-Duhring - Philosophy - 266 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Paul de Man - Resistance to Theory - Literary Criticism - 140 pages - Paperback ; Anton Chekhov - My Life - Literature - 150 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Andre Gide - Journals, 1869-1949 - Literature - 764 pages - Paperback ; Honore de Balzac - The Black Sheep - Literature - 332 pages - Paperback ; Stendhal - The Charterhouse of Parma - Literature - 560 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Slave - Literature - 300 pages in paperback ; Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo, eds. Religion: Cultural Memory in the Present - Philosophy - 210 pages - Paperback ; Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice - Literature - 330 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Noam Chomsky - Class Warfare - Social Science - 175 pages - Paperback ; Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Laocoon: An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry - 250 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Emile Zola - The Kill - Literature - 300 pages - Paperback ; Guy de Maupassant - The Complete Short Stories - Literature - 1,290 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Jacques Derrida - Writing and Difference - Philosophy - 310 pages - Paperback ; Ford Madox Ford - The Good Soldier - Literature - 214 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Thomas Wolfe - Look Homeward, Angel - Literature - 523 pages - Paperback ; Henry James - The Spoils of Poynton - Literature - 250 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Laurence Sterne - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Literature - 784 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Philosophy - 330 pages - Paperback ; Noam Chomsky - Masters of Mankind - Social Criticism - 162 pages - Paperback ; Alfred Doblin - Berlin Alexanderplatz - Literature - 502 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Tzvetan Todorov - Introduction to Poetics - Literary Theory - 100 pages - Paperback ; Peter Burger - Theory of the Avant-Garde - Literary Theory - 170 pages - Paperback ; Helene Cixous and Catherine Clement - The Newly Born Woman - Literary Theory - 177 pages - Paperback ; Jean-Luc Nancy - The Inoperative Community - Literary Theory - 184 pages - Paperback ; Honore de Balzac - The Human Comedy: Selected Short Stories - Literature - 415 pages - Paperback ; Noam Chomsky - Understanding Power - Social Criticism - 400 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Marcel Proust - Sodom and Gomorrah - Literature - 724 pages - Paperback ; James W. Lowen - Lies My Teacher Told Me - Social Science - 362 pages - Paperback ; Samuel Beckett - Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable - Literature - 417 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Noam Chomsky - What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World - Politics - 190 pages ; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Outlines of the Philosophy of Right - Philosophy - 370 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Michel Foucault - The Foucault Reader - Philosophy - 390 pages - Paperback ; Paul Ricouer - Freud and Philosophy - Philosophy - 551 pages - Paperback Erich Fromm - Escape From Freedom - Psychology - 309 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Northrop Frye - The Critical Path - Literary Criticism - 171 pages - Paperback ; Erich Fromm - Man For Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics - Psychology - 280 pages - Amazon Kindle ; F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Beautiful and Damned - Literature - 361 pages - Paperback ; Aristotle - The Metaphysics - Philosophy - 528 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Thomas Hardy - The Return of the Native - Literature - 400 pages - Paperback ; Thomas McCarthy - The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas - Social Theory - 386 pages - Paperback ; Hans-Georg Gadamer - Truth and Method - Philosophy - 660 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Jean-Francois Lyotard - The Postmodern Explained - Philosophy - 136 pages - Paperback ; Noam Chomsky - The Chomsky Reader - Social Criticism - 405 pages - Paperback ; Erich Fromm - The Sane Society - Psychology - 386 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Gar Alperowitz - America Beyond Capitalism - Current Affairs/Economics - 240 pages - Paperback ; Carl G. Jung - Man and His Symbols - Psychology - 387 pages - Paperback ; Erich Fromm - The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness - Psychology - 576 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Herbert Marcuse - Eros and Civilization - Philosophy/Psychology - 288 pages - Paperback ; Honore de Balzac - The Chouans - Literature - 225 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Dewey - How We Think - Psychology - 225 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Henry James - Selected Tales - Literature - 576 pages - Paperback ; D.H. Lawrence - Sea and Sardinia - Literature - 256 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies - Social Science - 436 pages - Amazon Kindle ; George Eliot - Daniel Deronda - Literature - 710 pages - Paperback ; Erich Fromm - To Have or To Be? - Psychology - 250 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Erich Fromm - Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud - Psychology - 186 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Herman Melville - Moby-Dick or, The Whale - Literature - 642 pages - Paperback ; Erich Fromm - The Art of Being - Psychology - 126 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Martin Heidegger - What Is Called Thinking? - Philosophy - 254 pages - Paperback ; Anton Chekhov - The Schoolmistress and Other Stories - Literature - 186 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Bertrand Russell - Problems of Philosophy - Philosophy - 116 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy - Philosophy - 210 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Alfred North Whitehead - An Enquiry Concerning the Principle of Natural Knowledge - Philosophy - 173 pages - Amazon Kindle - [not so much read as glanced over] ; Alfred North Whitehead - Science and Philosophy - Philosophy - 316 pages - Amazon Kindle ; William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair - Literature - 680 pages - Paperback ; Thomas Carlyle - Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh - Literature - 320 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Giorgio Agamben - The Coming Community - Philosophy - 120 pages - Paperback ; Max Beer - Karl Marx: His Life and Teaching - Social Studies - 150 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Ernst Bloch - On Marx - Philosophy - 176 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Emile Zola - The Masterpiece - Literature - 384 pages - Paperback ; George Steiner - Heidegger - Philosophy - 208 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Marcel Proust - The Captive & The Fugitive - Literature - 936 pages - Paperback ; YEAR ENDS WITH TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES READ AT 30,839

American Gigolo Redux

Entering the Port Authority at night after a day spent making calls and watching the stock market go down starting from March 2000, trying to master the art of persuasion by force of character, I was instantly attracted to the figure of a woman on the escalator proceeding to the bus gate, staring at her figure never was I so certain that I would take this woman to bed with me that very night, I wanted her to turn around so I could see if she was sexy, as I got close to her I saw that she was as Asian - I introduced myself and she told me I could call her Sunny, she was a Korean woman and, while I was initially disappointed that she was not Japanese, as i was more interested in Japanese women than Koreans, however I soon got over my initial hesitation about Koreans as this one was really attractive, she reminded me of Hitoko, a Japanese student who wore art print scarves like a model at the community college i attended just after graduating from high school, and i was also stimulated to find myself following in the footsteps of my idol Henry Miller, whose late-life love letters to an Asian woman were collected in the volume "Dear, Dear Brenda", which i perused in the New City library several years previously, in fact just after i learned to drive there myself - Sunny and I boarded the #190 bus bound for Rutherford and she would wind up accompanying me to my place on Union Avenue - first she asked me to sing the song "Girl" by The Beatles, my voice accompanying John Lennon's as a played the compact disc of "Rubber Soul" on my stereo in my apartment. I drove her home later that night, but we had several dates and traveled back to New York City together by bus -- "You look so western," I said to her and she replied, "I am the most western-looking of all Koreans." ========================= After graduating from Wake Forest University with a Master's in English, I returned to my parent's house on Woodlake Drive in Thiells, New York, which is in Rockland County, I went on several interviews for jobs that were advertised in the New York Times, Wall Street computers, business brokers, but my mother insisted that I find a job that offered a starting salary and health insurance, until third times the charm, I found out about a job at a place called American Newswire which was in the Harborside Financial Center in Jersey City NJ - my eyes being fucked up so bad, for a year and a half i took the NJ Transit train from Suffern NY to Hoboken NJ which traveled through many NJ towns from Ho-Ho-Kus to Secaucus (list them) - NJ appealed to me, I wanted to make it my home and move to Bergen County which, to me, was the seat of wealth and privilege and gave me access to a more metropolitan class of people than I saw in Rockland County. Actually, the commute was a killer, as I had to wake up at 9 AM to get ready and drive to Suffern, where I could only take the 11 AM (local) train at that time of day (there was no 12 PM train that left from Suffern), which made all the stops in New Jersey from Ho-Ho-Kus to Hoboken. After taking the PATH train from Hoboken to Jersey City, I arrived at the Newswire by 12 PM, already exhausted and hungry and an hour early for work! My hours were from 1 PM until 11 PM as part of the Implementation team at the technical headquarters of the Newswire service. I caught the last train out of Hoboken at 11:30 PM and would not get back to my parent's house until after midnight. ========================= I actually moved to Rutherford based on my interest in a woman who got on the train at Rutherford station. Helen also wore long dark skirts, reminiscent of Debra Mandlebaum, but she was not Semitic-looking. After I moved to Rutherford I met her at the train station and learned her name was Helen. We actually went for coffee, I was afraid to tell her I actually moved to Rutherford with the idea I could meet her and in fact she made an advance to me, saying "How is your love life?" but I was shy and did not respond positively, as this was too forward for me and I was embarrassed at how little money I made, only $37,000 a year - on one level, I was only attracted to women who tended to be on the prudish side, shocked when their sexuality revealed itself - couldn't decide if i liked women inexperienced or else actual full-fledged prostitutes that i might rescue from lives of depravity - on another level, the perhaps deeper truth is that while i was attracted to this woman, who appealed to me, something within me personally frowned on beginning a relationship with her woman because i felt like I was committing --not the same crime once again -- but a similar crime with the same type of woman twice, as i had previously been involved with a woman who was a visiting student from Budapest on a Fulbright scholarship - "And I'm only half-bright" she laughingly derided herself - but the perhaps deepest truth is that I believe in heaven and that I will at some time in the future, re-encounter all these women who will be angels with me in heaven. I believe that the women I met in my early years will see to it that my deeds are rewarded here on earth - As Zola tells us at the end of his novel, "The Masterpiece," the story of the doomed, artistically tormented Claude Lantier, genius must be chaste - I was always fascinated by a woman's choice of loves in their lives, I perused Lacan seeking to discover the working of female sexuality without satisfaction, Freud was a little better..... ============================ Like I said, I had small escapes with women in the year of two that I was living in NJ and working for American Newswire, I had one lover who claimed to be a member of the Kennedy clan, she claimed her name was Jennifer, but I looked through her things when she was in the bathroom and she didn't even have an I.D. She even left an address for me, listing her place of residence as Kennebunkport Maine, but I was not so gullible as to fall for that. However limited my success with the opposite sex was at that time when I was a single man on the prowl for women, it was not until I joined an internet dating service where your profile would be skimmed by interested members of the opposite sex like personal ads in the newspapers, that I had more consistent luck meeting women. When I first joined this internet service of web-based personal advertisements, I positively salivated at the thought of meeting the women that were features on the website. I wrote to as many women as possible, I was a believer in love by chance. ========================= The first women who wrote back to me was Judy Frank. I remember as it were yesterday, she said, "Andrew, you're so mature for a 33 year-old!" We made plans to meet: I was to pick her up at her apartment near Columbia University. She was a Jewish woman who had just turned 50 and was as beautiful as only Jewish women of that age can be. She was an opera singer who loved her dog, Max, with a passion. He was a German Shepherd and Rottweiler mix and, frankly, he was a little bit too much for her to handle. One time he bit me and, examining my hand, she screamed at him, "YOU BROKE THE SKIN!" She glowered at the dog, continuing her conversation, more with Max than with me, who looked at me with disfavor. She wondered whether she would be able to survive a tsunami in Manhattan, one particularly devastating tsunami had just struck Indonesia recently and hundreds if not thousands were drowned and missing and this had prompted the creation of early warning systems around the world. ======================== One time Judy Frank, after she had lost Max, asked me if we get our pets back in the afterlife. "You've been to the other side," she said, looking at me, "YOU know." As she said this, she was staring directly at me. I told her it was so, that we did get our pets back in the afterlife, which appeared to comfort her. That gives you a good impression of how sweet she really was. I had told her about my close encounter with death, being given the last rites etc. and, now that I think about it, I wonder how frequently women have supposed me to be capable of vouchsafing metaphysical information I do not know (write it out) ======================== In the end I wound up setting Judy Frank up with George Goodwin, who ran an import/export business on 33rd St., but I did not tell him not to eat the veal parmigiana. At this point I was hopelessly in love with Judy, I was even in tears as I read as she typed out the message, "I'll fuck him after coffee" on the chat screen. ========================= An encounter with a woman named Helene in Princeton NJ left me wondering if I could be a father to a perspicacious child, like the one Tom Cruise's character encounters in Jerry McGuire - discrepancies in Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children want to understand everything, role-play, develop imaginary friends - with her, at least i could potentially have had conversations with John Nash regarding whether schizophrenia developed in the womb and transmitted to the child genetically, as she referred to him as "John."