Monday, January 11, 2021

Reading List 2020

READING LIST 2020 Albert Camus - The Plague - Literature - 320 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Isaac Bashevis Singer - Shosha - Literature - 278 pages - Paperback ; Emile Durkheim - The Division of Labor in Society - Sociology - 416 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Rainer Maria Rilke - Ahead of All Parting: Selected Poetry and Prose - Literature - 375 pages - Hardcover ; Martin Heidegger - The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays - Philosophy - 208 pages - Paperback ; W. Somerset Maugham - Collected Stories - Literature - 1,100 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Daniel J. Boorstin - The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself - History - 686 pages - Paperback ; Balzac - Droll Stories - Literature - 494 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Kenneth Burke - The Philosophy of Literary Form - Literary Criticism/Philosophy - 469 pages - Paperback ; Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen - The Life of Goethe - Biography - 42 pages Terry Eagleton - Ideology of the Aesthetic - Literary Criticism/Philosophy - 415 pages - Paperback ; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life - Autobiography - 403 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Harold Bloom - Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds - Literary Criticism - 745 pages - Paperback ; Voltaire - Philosophical Dictionary - Philosophy - 400 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Mircea Eliade - The Sacred and the Profane - Religion - 232 pages - Paperback ; Dave Robinson - Introducing Kierkegaard: A Graphic Guide - Philosophy - 176 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Soren Kierkegaard - Repetition and Philosophical Crumbs - Philosophy - 255 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Herbert Marcuse - One-Dimensional Man - Philosophy - 295 pages - Paperback ; Soren Kierkegaard - Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing: Spiritual Preparation for the Office of Confession - Philosophy/Religion - 224 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Jeff Collins - Introducing Heidegger: A Graphic Guide - Philosophy - 176 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - The Darling and Other Stories - Literature - 225 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Anton Chekhov - The Duel and Other Stories - Literature - 225 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Andre Malraux - Man's Fate - Literature - 365 pages - Paperback ; Anton Chekhov - The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories - Literature - 250 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Anton Chekhov - The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories - Literature - 200 pages - Project Gutenberg ; Charles Dickens - David Copperfield - Literature - 1,002 pages - Paperback ; Bertrand Russell - A History of Western Philosophy: And Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day - Philosophy - 906 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Sinclair Lewis - It Can't Happen Here - Popular Fiction - 402 pages - Paperback ; John Dewey - Leibniz's New Essays Concerning Human Understanding: A Critical Exposition - Philosophy - 300 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Power: A New Social Analysis - Philosophy - 279 pages - Paperback ; William Faulkner - The Hamlet - Literature - 409 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Jean-Paul Sartre - We Have Only This Life to Live: Selected Essays, 1939-1975 - Philosophy - 536 pages - Paperback ; Soren Kierkegaard - The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening - Philosophy - 200 pages - Amazon Kindle ; James George Frazer - The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion - Anthropology - 875 pages - Paperback ; Emile Zola - The Ladies' Paradise - Literature - 480 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Isaac Bashevis Singer - In My Father's Court - Literature - 307 pages - Paperback ; William Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part One - Literature - 225 pages - Amazon Kindle ; William Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part Two - Literature - 225 pages - Amazon Kindle ; David Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - Philosophy - 160 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Daniel J. Boorstin - The Creators - History: A History of Heroes of the Imagination - 747 pages - Paperback ; Alain Badiou - Trump - Politics - 80 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits - Philosophy - 430 pages - Paperback ; Charles Taylor - Hegel - Philosophy - 594 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment - Literature - 694 pages - Paperback ; Robert Musil - The Man Without Qualities - Literature - 1,500 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Andre Gide - Fruits of the Earth - Literature - 210 pages - Paperback ; Carl Gustav Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Psychology - 390 pages - Paperback ; Theophile Gautier - Captain Fracasse - Literature - 300 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Religion and Science - Philosophy - 269 pages - Paperback ; Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit" of Capitalism and Other Writings - Sociology - 405 pages - Paperback ; John Maynard Keynes - The Essential Keynes - Economics - 558 pages - Paperback ; Theophile Gautier - Constantinople - Literature - 298 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Thomas Mann - The Magic Mountain - Literature - 708 pages - Paperback ; Henri Lefebvre - Critique of Everyday Life - Philosophy - 875 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fyodor Dostoevsky - Memoirs From the House of the Dead - Literature - 366 pages - Paperback ; Paul de Man - The Rhetoric of Romanticism - Literary Criticism - 300 pages - Paperback ; James Boswell - The Life of Samuel Johnson (excerpt) - Biography - 600 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Harold Bloom - Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human - Literary Criticism - 745 pages - Paperback ; Abraham Joshua Heschel - Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion - Religion - 296 pages - Paperback ; Henri Lefebre - Sociology of Marx - Philosophy - 214 pages - Amazon Kindle ; G.K. Chesterton - St. Thomas Aquinas - Religion - 260 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot - Literature - 707 pages - Paperback ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Essays: Discourse on Metaphysics; On the Ultimate Origination of Things; Preface to New Essays; The Monadology - Philosophy - 96 pages Jean-Paul Sartre - Between Existentialism and Marxism - Philosophy - 298 pages - Paperback ; Ezra Pound - Instigations of Ezra Pound: Together with an Essay on the Chinese Written Character (by Ernest Fenollosa) - Literary Criticism - 315 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fredric Jameson - A Singular Modernity: An Essay on the Ontology of the Present - Philosophy/Literary Criticism - 256 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Salman Rushdie - Midnight's Children - Popular Fiction - 533 pages - Paperback ; Gertrude Stein - Three Lives - Literature - 262 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fredric Jameson - An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army - Philosophy/Literary Criticism - 336 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Updike - Just Looking: Essays on Art - Art Criticism - 200 pages - Hardcover ; William Faulkner - The Town - Literature - 394 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Charles Dickens - Nicholas Nickleby - Literature - 837 pages - Paperback ; Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics - Philosophy - 329 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Henry James - The Author of Beltraffio - Literature - 40 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Thorstein Veblen - Theory of the Leisure Class - Economics - 320 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Harold Bloom - The Western Canon - Literary Criticism - 493 pages - Paperback ; Max Weber - From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology - Sociology - 450 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - The Scientific Outlook - Philosophy - 221 pages - Paperback ; John Updike - Always Looking: Essays on Art - Art Criticism - 216 pages - Hardcover ; Will Durant - On the Meaning of Life - Philosophy - 152 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Fyodor Dostoevsky - Demons - Literature - 867 pages - Paperback ; Louis Althusser - Philosophy For Non-Philosophers - Philosophy - 215 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Friedrich Nietzsche - The Anti-Christ/Ecce Homo/Twilight of the Idols/The Case of Wagner/Nietzsche Contra Wagner - Philosophy - 300 pages - Paperback ; Jacques Maritain - Christianity and Democracy/The Rights of Man and Natural Law - Philosophy - 195 pages - Amazon Kindle ; David Harvey - A Brief History of Neoliberalism - Economics - 206 pages - Paperback ; Baruch Spinoza - The Ethics: with the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect and selected letters - Philosophy - 304 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Henri Lefebvre - Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life - Philosophy - 128 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Eric J. Hobsbawm - The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848 - History - 310 pages - Paperback ; William Faulkner - The Mansion - Literature - 496 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Gilles Deleuze - Proust and Signs - Literary Criticism/Philosophy - 182 pages - Paperback ; Harold Bloom - The Daemon Knows - Literary Criticism - 496 pages - Paperback ; Jane Austen - Persuasion - Literature - 325 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy - Philosophy - 206 pages - Paperback ; Alain Badiou - Theory of the Subject - Philosophy - 367 pages - Paperback ; Theodore Dreiser - The Stoic - Literature - 334 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Stephane Mallarme - Collected Poems and Other Verse - Literature - 136 pages - Paperback ; George Orwell - The Road to Wigan Pier - Sociology/Politics - 232 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Paul Valery - Selected Writings - Literature - 256 pages - Paperback ; Samuel Johnson - The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 4: The Adventurer, The Idler - Literature - 399 pages Matthew Kelly - Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation - Religion - 187 pages - Paperback ; Theodore Adorno - The Culture Industry - Philosophy - 203 pages - Paperback ; Alfred North Whitehead - Religion in the Making - Philosophy - 308 pages - Paperback ; Balzac - The Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau - Literature - 320 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Eric Hobsbawm - The Age of Capital, 1848-1875 - History - 308 pages - Paperback ; George Santayana - Scepticism and Animal Faith: Introduction to a System of Philosophy - Philosophy - 300 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bertrand Russell - Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism - Philosophy - 246 pages - Amazon Kindle ; St. Augustine - On Free Choice of the Will - Religion - 129 pages - Paperback ; W.B. Yeats - Per Amica Silentia Lunae - Literature - 51 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Charles Eliot Norton - William Blake - Literary Criticism - 50 pages - Amazon Kindle ; William Blake - The Complete Works of William Blake - 450 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Gabriel Marcel - The Philosophy of Existentialism - Philosophy - 128 pages - Paperback ; Sigmund Freud - Reflections on War and Death - Psychology - 30 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Paul Feyerabend - Against Method - Philosophy - 312 pages - Paperback ; Voltaire - Zadig - Literature - 95 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Henrik Ibsen - Peer Gynt - Literature - 125 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Walter Pater - Studies in the History of the Renaissance - Art Criticism - 231 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Karl Marx - The Poverty of Philosophy - Philosophy - 230 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Dante - The Divine Comedy - Literature - 735 pages - Paperback ; Mark Twain - Pudd'nhead Wilson/Those Extraordinary Twins - Literature - 288 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chekhov - The Bet and Other Stories - Literature - 142 pages - Project Gutenberg ; John Kenneth Galbraith - The Affluent Society - Sociology - 291 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Charles Dickens - American Notes - Travel - 334 pages - Paperback ; Anton Chekhov - The Chorus Girl and Other Stories - Literature - 180 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Anton Chakhov - The House With the Mezzanine and Other Stories - Literature - 120 pages - Amazon Kindle ; William Wordsworth - The Major Works - 769 pages - Paperback ; Gabriel Marcel - Being and Having - Philosophy - 246 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Mary McCarthy - The Writing on the Wall and Other Literary Essays - Literature - 213 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Etienne Gilson - From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again: A Journey in Final Causality, Species and Evolution - Philosophy - 241 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Simone de Beauvoir - The Ethics of Ambiguity - Philosophy - 164 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Eric Hobsbawm - The Age of Empire, 1875-1914 - History - 351 pages - Paperback ; George Santayana - The Life of Reason - Philosophy - 971 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Abraham H. Maslow - Towards a Psychology of Being - Psychology - 200 pages - Amazon Kindle ; David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals - Philosophy - 128 pages - Amazon Kindle ; David Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - Philosophy - 156 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Bernard Williams - Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy - Philosophy - 202 pages - Paperback ; Euripides - The Bacchae - Literature - 96 pages - Amazon Kindle ; George Bernard Shaw - Major Barbara - Literature - 225 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Dewey - Psychology and Social Practice - Psychology - 52 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Dewey - Essays in Experimental Logic - Philosophy - 448 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Dewey - Studies in Logical Theory - Philosophy - 453 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Percy Byshhe Shelley - The Major Works - Literature - 855 pages - Paperback ; Frederick Copleston - A History of Medieval Philosophy - Philosophy - 403 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Albert Schweitzer - Out of My Life and Thought - Autobiography - 255 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Edmund Husserl - Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology - Philosophy - 427 pages - Paperback ; Lawrence Durrell - The Lawrence Durrell Travel Reader: A Middle Western Legend - Travel - 375 pages - Amazon Kindle ; William Blake - The Complete Works - Literature - 450 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Peter Kropotkin - Memoirs of a Revolutionist - Autobiography - 356 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Joseph A. Schumpeter - Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy - Political Philosophy - 464 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Gertrude Stein - How to Write - Literature - 382 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Cowper Powys - The Complex Vision - Philosophy - 348 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Ernst Cassirer - The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 1: Language - Philosophy - 326 pages - Paperback ; Noam Chomsky - Deterring Democracy - Politics - 424 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Noam Chomsky - How the World Works - Politics - 336 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Lord Byron - The Major Works - Literature - 1,093 pages - Paperback ; Henry James - Lady Barbarina, The Siege of London, An International Episode, A Bundle of Letters & The Point of View - Literature - 520 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Emile Zola - Fruitfulness - Literature - 463 pages - Amazon Kindle ; John Stuart Mill - A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation - Philosophy - 750 pages - Amazon Kindle ; Thomas Mann - Joseph and His Brothers - Literature - 1526 pages - Hardcover ; Emile Zola - The Dream - Literature - 224 pages - Paperback ; Emile Zola - Le Reve - French Literature - 212 pages - Amazon Kindle ; 160 books and a total of 57,789 pages


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