Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Extra material 2

"F me hard NOW!" Annie screamed at me, and I just laughed instead, as I could not feel any part of her at all and -- what's more -- I realized I was in love with Mary Riccardi. ==================== A.A. had nut-brown hair with blonde streaks and highlights, she wore stylish clothes, I felt a thrill run up and down my spine when she presented herself in the atrium of her building as she descended to the lobby. She was only five-foot-five but I felt her to be much taller than I was. She would not disclose her age, which I took for granted that this was a woman's prerogative; my relationship with Mary R. had accustomed me to that habit of women; indeed, it comported with my idea of a literary romance. ====================== Wilma Hildegaard instead of Kathleen Hildebrand, Michelle Quinn becomes Shelly Calhoun, change Jane Russo to Jane Rossi =================== Carlos, a broker at Crompton Blake said I looked like the salesman who goes beserk portrayed by Michael Douglas in the movie "Falling DOwn"; I did not see the movie, but here's what the Qll Movie Guide says.....it rates it: ==================== Debra said she had wild oats to sow, which really hurt me ==================== I told my drill Sergeant that I sold securities from, from, I recalled my nascent patriotism, from AMERICAN Mutual Corporation. ==================== I did not want to have a baby, rather, I wanted to make Mary R. my baby, and come home from work and find out what happened during the day in all the movies that were featured in the programming that was on American Movie Classics and Turner Classics, two channels she adored. ==================== Somewhere Leo Tolstoy writes that his mother wished for him to have an affair with a married woman which would, she felt, really help refine and polish his manners..... ==================== Making love while rubbing noses, kissing like Eskimos, embracing like lovers in a Japanese tea-ceremony, we both felt protected under the large American flag that waved imposingly over the Super K-Mart in Winston-Salem. ==================== Ilana Baranov from Sofia used to be forced to cheer for communism in groups of students assembled outside the governmental buildings around the capital, we watched the film adaptation of Czeslaw Milosz's "Unbearable Lightness of Being" and it was like a shock to her. "This is just like it happened in my country," she said as she watched the footage of the entry of the tank announcing the overthrow of Communism after so many years of repression. ==================== She had my mother's initials, Irene Blair's I.B. to Ilana Baranov and when I met her husband, it shocked my that his initials were identical to mine, Stephan Baranov's S.B. to Steven Blair. ==================== In high school, before she transferred to Andover, Celeste Cole would pose in front of me holding the album "Stick Fingers" by The Rolling Stones, sometimes she would hold The Velvet Underground & Nico before her, which was from her father's collection of antique records, this copy being made with a banana that you could peel. Stupid me, I still didn't get the hint until one day, she me up in her room in the old house on Church Road that her parents owned in West Haverstraw, I think I could've made love to her that day but I did not have a condom on me and more importantly, she wanted to smoke marijuana she had found her father's stash...she eventually slept with Marlene Hunter's boyfriend instead. ==================== ...to love a woman without lust in your heart, achieving domination but only through submission to the requirement of being a perfect lover, I set myself a formidable (perhaps impossible) goal ==================== to me love meant being willing to die for the loved one, and where could I find that in today's society where love is passing fancy, a momentary flirtatious punctuation marks on a random encounter. Nevertheless, I believed in love and I would have died for love, I had to bite my tongue not to make a suicide pact with Annie A. If I could have found the aged narcotic medicine that my mother claimed to have I would have carried this plan out with her and who knows if she would have accepted it? ==================== Nearly thirty years before the #MeToo movement became in vogue, I refused my first foray into the world of sexual experience with the stunning Celeste Cole, a future Harvard graduate, Oxford scholar and Olympic decathlete, because I felt she did not properly give her consent. ==================== We are souls who chose each other becoming incarnated in a family on earth. ==================== Judy bought all her clothes at Cache, which was located in the then-newly opened Time-Warner building at Columbus Circle in midtown, saying, "Nearly everything I own comes from there." ================== Judy Frank would sleep with "anything with two legs," according to her father. ==================== On the night when I was contacted by the Holy Spirit, that evening my mother had attended a healing mass. What had transpired on that night at that mass affected me physically and mentally.


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