Monday, October 28, 2019

What's a good story title for a short story I had to write for class?

Q: It's a romance where the girl and guy fall in love in 1920's Paris (they're both from England) and she dumps her fiancé for him (cheesy, I know, but I didn't want to write in in the first place so...)============================================ Best Answer: "The 'Paris Effect'" or "The Effect of Paris on the English Soul" The title should come out of the events of the story. The man and woman are English. I assume the woman's fiance is English too. Were the woman and fiance in Paris? Why? Did the other man know them? What led the other man to fall for the woman? Why did she allow it to happen? She fell for him; but did she feel ashamed that she dumped her fiance? Or was she glad she did, and did not look back? This is the "eternal triangle" situation - the Jack, Rose and Cal situation of "Titanic". Is you viewpoint character Rose? Why the 1920s and not the 2010s? The Hemingway and "Great Gatsby" "Americans in Paris" aura (although the characters are English)? Marli · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Asker's rating 4 out of 5 Ludwig "Harry Potter and the Années folles" Ludwig · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Andrew Noselli "True Love Averted, the Sequel: Extreme Prejudice a la Francee" Andrew Noselli · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs down EditComment pianoman How do you expect someone to suggest a title if they have no idea what the story is about? You should do your own homework. pianoman · 2 months ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Joe Midnight in Paris Joe · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment A Slut in Paris Anonymous · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Andrew "Joint Quantum Chemical and Polarizable Molecular Mechanics Investigation of Formate Complexes With Penta and Hexa-Hydrated Zinc Ion: Comparison Between Energetics of Model Bidentate, Monodentate and Through-Water Binding Modes and Evaluation of Nonadditivity Effects." Andrew · 2 months ago 6Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Amaretta Adieu, Fiance' or Au Revoir, Fiance' (if there's a chance they'll get back together again) Amaretta · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Quinn I think you should name it “Dope Skansen Django.”

Can one music artist be objectively better than another?

Info: Or is it only a subjective perception? For example, is David Bowie objectively better than Ed Sheeran?========================= Yes, artist can be objectively better than others. For example, who would compare Lil Pump’s “songs” to.. let’s say John Lennon’s? Clearly John’s songs are better, vocally and musically speaking. Oh and by the way...Ed Sheeran shouldn’t even be compared to David Bowie. David’s a legend, he’s iconic. He revolutionized everything. He’s one of the greatest singer/performer ever. I miss David :( regret · 2 months ago 3Thumbs up 2Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot In the case of David Bowie vs. Ed Sheeran yes absolutely. Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot · 2 months ago 2Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Just another Y!A liar. What Bob said. Give him best answer. Just another Y!A liar. · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Andrew Noselli After the death of God everything became relative and the idea of the existence of stable and universal truths guiding our ability for judgment, including the faculty for establishing a hierarchy of truth values, became devalued and epistemologically suspicious. However for some people, like myself, God is not dead and I have no compunctions about making the statement that David Bowie's music is more sophisticated and more enjoyable that Ed Sheeran's music. Andrew Noselli · 2 months ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs down EditComment The Lord Humungus. Of course, right after you agree to a set of objective measurements. For instance, many people claim album sales or concert sales objectively prove an artist's worth. The Lord Humungus. · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport Abuse2 comments Huh? Yes, I'm sure it is possible to state that one musician is objectively better than another by analysing things such as the complexity and sophistication of their music and/or lyrics, their instrument playing skills and abilities, technical proficiency, productivity, etc. It could not be precise as such measures can't be totally objective and questions of taste would certainly creep in, making it difficult to differentiate musicians of a fairly similar skill level. Can we safely say that Boyzone are objectively better or worse than *Nsync or 5ive, for example? In terms of the OP, I think we can safely say David Bowie was a better musician than Ed Sheeran is currently, although it's always possible Sheeran might develop in ways we can't yet predict. Huh? · 2 months ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment tihsru I think it is mostly subjective to a persons taste but you can certainly distinguish one artist who is more talented than the other (has better music). I would bring it down to David Bowie because of how much more iconic and unique his music is. tihsru · 2 months ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Jimmy C If one of them had a degree from the Royal College of Music he would be objectively better, or if the other could not read and write music he would be objectively inferior, but judging the person by listening to the music can only be subjective, because we all have different opinions. Jimmy C · 2 months ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport Abuse1 comment Bob Yes, sure. We can objectively say that a particular artist is better than another. If you compare a multi-instrumentalist and award-winning musician, such as Prince, to a popular artist such as Nicki Minaj, we can objectively state that Prince is a better musical artist than Nicki Minaj. This isn't about whether the music they make is better because that is always going to be subjective but as far as being a better musician, yes Prince wins hands down and that is objective fact. Bob · 2 months ago 2Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment megalomaniac In Classical music they have a scoring system for formal judging (adjudication). So I think that means that in the Classical genre some people do indeed think that a piece of music or a performance can be objectively better than another, but I don't agree. It certainly doesn't hold up for rock or pop. It's hard to quantify emotion, and to me emotional content is more important than technical proficiency when it comes to music. So no, in my opinion, there is no objective measure to say whether one piece of music is "better" than another, one can only say you like it more or it gave you a deeper emotional experience.

What is the Purpose of life?

I’ve asked a lot of people what they think the purpose of life is.They all gave me answers like ‘purpose of life is to live’.They argued the purpose of life is not to die but what if you want to die?So what is it?Is your purpose in life whatever you want it to be?Is it to be happy? Follow 26 answersReport Abuse Answers Relevance Andrew Noselli The purpose of life is self-actualization, which can be achieved either in relation to others or in relation to your self. Serious study of philosophy, literature, history and psychology is needed in order to develop a personality that includes, at the same time, the freedom to live creatively and the moral conviction that prevents one from being dominated by those power-systems that seep into you thru the dynamics of your profession and your political stance. Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs down EditComment To survive, procreation and to prosper. Anonymous · 11 hours ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment alison To play out your story for yourself and others to see and judge alison · 1 day ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment 7Flightsup If you had searched YA, you'd find that your question has been asked two and a half million times, with this answer included. If you quiet yourself and look at why matter has a drive to survive, to evolve, to have a self, an ego identity, and consciousness, or why does matter even exists and become these things, life's meaning becomes obvious. Even after an eternity of time, there still would be no reason for it to exist and become what it is, except for a vast intelligence that had to create it with infinitely complex physics in its design, as it pursues higher evolved levels of consciousness, until it reaches the human form and God's consciousness is complete. And this indicates purpose and meaning. Evolution evolves consciousness, and with consciousness the universe is able know itself. There wouldn't be a point for existence if it didn't know that it existed. It becomes completely conscious as a human but is trapped in its complete identification to being a human form and doesn't experience its reality of being formless and infinite. It has to deliberately find its freedom by first knowing that it's ignorant of its true Self. It is discovering that it doesn't know itself that will eventually lead it back. This has been going on forever, because by existence knowing itself, it creates its own unknowingness, its own eternal unconsciousness, from out of a non-definable vacuum state that's best described as infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite power that is non-dualistic. Its consciousness is Reality and its unconsciousness creates an infinite illusion of existence as the universe in order to become conscious in a human form and then find its way back to its real Self. God Speaks by Meher Baba 7Flightsup · 2 days ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment STORMY K the purpose of life is to die STORMY K · 2 days ago 0Thumbs up 2Thumbs downReport AbuseComment ☯𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦♥ You have your own life; therefore, you have your own purpose. What you intend the results of your life to be, even as they are temporary, is your purpose(s). ☯𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦♥ · 2 days ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment All hat That can be taken two ways, and people always mix them up. 1) Purpose = "mission from god". (or other creator, just "from above"). Well we, and all things on earth, seem to have only three things hard-wired into us. Get Born, Get Laid, Get Lost. 2) Purpose = how to be happy. Happy requires two things: genuine love, and decent behavior. Find love, behave decently, and you can't help but be happy. Fail to do either thing, and it's a struggle. All hat · 2 days ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Houston, we have a problem The true purpose of perpetuate the DNA molecule. Think about it..."life" is simply different forms to support the existence and procreation of DNA. We're just meat puppets. Houston, we have a problem · 3 days ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment tizzoseddy Yes, the purpose in life is whatever you choose. At one moment, a person may determine that a spoon can be used for the purpose of transferring soup from a bowl. At another moment a spoon may serve to dig a small hole in soil. It is a living hand that wields a spoon, not a dead one. Life gives one the opportunity to experience one's surroundings, interpret the meaning of those experiences, and choose to purposefully act. Death is the end of all such opportunities. tizzoseddy · 3 days ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Kindred St Frank prayed—Lord, make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hope Where there is darkness, light And where there is sadness, joy O Divine Master, grant that I may Not so much seek to be consoled as to console To be understood, as to understand To be loved, as to love For it is in giving that we receive And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned” And maybe in there we have an answer.....

Do you think there will be a second life after death?

Yes, I believe this life is not truly important, in the sense that it's just a prelude to one's being, to the Being of Beings. Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs down EditComment John P A SECOND life after death? Isn't one enough, as in Christianity? John P · 9 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment WOOWOO Do you "THINK" there will be a SECOND "LIFE" after death ? is the question do you "IMAGINE" there will be a second life ? There is a DIFFERENCE between ACTUAL and IMAGINED there is no EVIDENCE to base any conclusion for a 2nd life after life or reincarnation AFTER LIFE would be a CONTRADICTION to the word DEATH DEATH : the irreversible cessation of all vital functions, especially as indicated by the stoppage of the HEART, RESPIRATION and Brain activity the END of life Even PERENNIAL plants are not actual DEATH and REBIRTH but rather a cycle of dormancy Here is how the DUMMY CON works # 1 BUBBA asserts he has a PINK UNICORN ( god heaven hell afterlife ) in his garage # 2 BUBBA convinces BILLY BOB to accept it just because BUBBA "SAID SO " # 3 BUBBA refuses to OPEN the garage door creates "MYSTERY" and "SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE " # 4 BUBBA gets SPECIAL status in society # 5 Bubba & Billy Bob repeat the claim to other and they accept it and are now they ALL are considered arrogantly SPECIAL and to have SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE # 6 When QUESTIONED about the claim they all learn how to play VENTRILOQUIST for the "god" or Karma WOOWOO · 16 hours ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment an Maybe a leaf in the next life :D an · 16 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment A C Yes, as per the Bible. Source(s): The New Testament (recommended reading) A C · 20 hours ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Houston, we have a problem No. Even if there was, that possibility is absolutely meaningless to us in this life. Houston, we have a problem · 21 hours ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment j153e A good description of soul-personality's progress, both nightly during sleep and soul-travel, and post-passing, is given in C. S. Lewis' novella "The Great Divorce;" an easy read, gives in 120 pages what these also give: "Watch Your Dreams;" "The Path of the Higher Self;" "Man, Master of His Destiny;" "Autobiography of a Yogi;" "Beams from Meher Baba;" "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven and Other Miracles;" "Imagine Heaven" by John Burke. The Soul-field that you Are never dies; it is akin to the Inner Child of Light, which intuits and trusts its higher Self, always remaining in the Image and likeness of God. However, the soul personality has to elect to become the new man or new woman in Christ, Truth, i.e., to become what they really already are in God. That is the challenge for soul-awareness: to elect to focus its consciousness on the Good, God, and become it. In that way, the mortal or old person with their deeds is like a curtain obscuring or concealing the Light of the inner Child, and the new man or woman in Christ is like a curtain that reveals the Christ radiance, immortality, divine Life, Truth, and Love. It is not for nothing that Jesus at 33 yet called God "Abba, Father (in the affectionate sense of "Dad;" thus, both pre- and post-Nietzsche, "God is Dad"). j153e · 1 day ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment 7Flightsup Being a soul, you've always and will always exist. That's the problem with ETs and spirits who come back to haunt them; they don't like it. And so they use electronic devices to trap haunting spirits, just like "Ghost Buster" movie. So as a result, we, as spirits, are pretty messed up because of what ETs and their electronics have done to us. But once the universe is cycled into another beginning in the Golden Age Yuga, our spirits will be renewed and life will be pleasurable and normal. 7Flightsup · 1 day ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Nancy If such metaphysics are true, then, given the enormous age of the universe, the life would certainly be more than my second. I mean, if such is true, wouldn't it mean I had a life before this one? Why would I with my ongoing consciousness that supersedes death have just blinked into the universe now some 11 billion years later? If my consciousness survives death to go on to additional life, then it stands to reason that that's what this life is, too, that I started sometime very long ago and didn't just blink into existence a couple of decades ago. Nancy · 1 day ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Bod What started, That doesn't have to leave. Blind allthough seeing?

Why are there so many mixed race couples in adverts now?

It's all down to the PC brigade. I switch channels when they come on. Anonymous · 34 mins ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Axiom It must be a sore point in your trailer-park. Axiom · 45 mins ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment David 420™ People on here keep saying this but I don't notice. It seems like the kind of thing you have to go looking for. David 420™ · 51 mins ago 2Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment To annoy pathetic right whinge snow flakes like you. And to give the rest of us a good laugh at you spitting your dummies out over it Anonymous · 59 mins ago 3Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Andrew Noselli It's an example of breaking the boundaries of consumerism for the pure enjoyment of the spectator who sits in front of his television, negotiating the desires of the work-world and its sexual objects which are presented to him as consumables, drives and fantasies of the will. Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs down EditComment John Because the mega corps want us all the same skin color because it saves them on advertising. John · 2 hours ago 1Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment It is politically correct AND people with various skin colors buy cars, TV's, computers, all manner of goods that white folk buy so by showing a mix shows the product is good for any skin color. The EXCEPTION: you never see a dark skinned individual putting on sun TAN LOTION. Because MAYBE they already got the tan? It is all for sales. Hitting those hidden markets. Anonymous · 4 hours ago 2Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment robert x its all down to diversity and political correctness crap yawn ! robert x · 4 hours ago 3Thumbs up 3Thumbs downReport AbuseComment catrin l Why are they so many inane questions about mixed race couples in adverts now? catrin l · 7 hours ago 7Thumbs up 4Thumbs downReport Abuse1 comment numbnuts222 How many are there? I want an exact count.

Is Donald Trump the most brutally honest president in US history?

He said today that he has almost completed Phase One of the China trade-deal. The stock market responded favorably. If it is true, that we are the country of the Dollar Sign, $$$, then I expect he will be re-elected. Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs down EditComment The Taxpayer He is honest! He's a great President. The Taxpayer · 7 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Zack Change "most" to "least" and the answer would be yes. Zack · 7 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Sam He might be brutal but he ain't honest. Sam · 7 hours ago 1Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Stan If you consider some ignorant mobster babbling away on a dose of sodium pentothal to be "brutally honest" then yeah, I guess so. If you consider some idiot too stupid to keep his mouth shut as being "brutally honest" then yeah, I guess so. Stan · 8 hours ago 3Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport Abuse1 comment LOL! No. He had told over 12,000 lies so far. He is the most vile, boarish, and belligerent president in American history, if that is what you were trying to say. Anonymous · 8 hours ago 2Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment marsel_duchamp You mean like the brutally honest posed picture of him watching Baghdadi being killed supposedly as it was happening but actually taken over an hour later? marsel_duchamp · 8 hours ago 0Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment hoarseman Well , he doesn't mind showing what a totally crooked ,and moronic individual, he is ,on an almost daily basis -- and there is certainly a brutal honesty in that .? hoarseman · 8 hours ago 0Thumbs up 1Thumbs downReport AbuseComment sam No..just stupid.......... Source(s): sam · 8 hours ago 3Thumbs up 0Thumbs downReport AbuseComment Mike L You forgot the dis before honest.

Friday, October 04, 2019

Compact discs played April to October 2019

Compact discs played Spring to Fall 2019: 5 Black Keys, including "Thickfreakness," "Magic Potion," "Attack & Release," "Brothers" and "El Camino." 5 Neil Young, including "Sleeps With Angels," "Paradox," "Trans," "Everybody's Rockin'" and "Peace Trail." 3 Dave Matthews, including "Busted Stuff," "Live at Radio City" [2 CDs] and "Live in Las Vegas" [2 CDs]. 4 Prince, including "Sign 'O' the Times" [2 CDs], "The Black Album," "Lovesexy," and "Around the World in a Day." 5 Various Artists, including Blues Traveler, "Travelogue";  Ben Harper, "Fight For Your Mind"; Nanci Griffith, "Storms"; Mary Chapin-Carpenter, "State of the Heart"; Sade, "Lover's Rock." 6 Various Artists: 4 Cowboy Junkies, including "The Trinity Sessions," "Miles From Our Home," "Open," "The Kennedy Suite"; and 2 Lucinda Williams, "Lucinda Williams" [2 CDs]. 5 Various Artists, including Neil Young, "Tonight's the Night: Live at the Roxy"; Buddy Emmons, "Steel Guitar Jazz"; James Taylor, "Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon" and "One Man Dog"; and Nanci Griffith, "The Dust Bowl Symphony." 5 Alan Parsons Project, including "The Turn of a Friendly Card," "Eve," "I, Robot," "Eye in the Sky" and "Stereotomy." 5 The Who, including "Who Are You," "Odds and Sods," "The Who by Numbers," and "Quadrophenia" [2 CDs]. 5 Eric Clapton including "Rush," "E.C. Was Here" and "Still I Do" and "Wheels of Fire" [2 CDs] by Cream. 5 Santana, including "Festival," "Abraxas," "Corazon" and "Moonflower" [2 CDs]. [2 weeks in hospital @ Beth Israel Deaconess - Boston, plus one week at Mom and Dad's house.] 5 Joe Bonamassa, including "Dust Bowl," "Black Rock," "Sloe Gin," "A New Day Yesterday" and "Different Shades of Blue." 5 Rolling Stones, including "Beggar's Banquet," "Let it Bleed," "Aftermath," "Between the Buttons" and "Their Satanic Majesty's Request." 5 Pink Floyd, including "Meddle," "The Wall" [2 CDs], "David Gilmore" and "Live in Pompeii" [2 CDs]. 5 Frank Zappa, including "Bongo Fury," "Studio Tan," "Them or Us" and "200 Motels" [2 CDs]. 5 Various Artists, including 3 by Kansas, including "Leftoverture," "Point of Know Return" and "Masque"; and 2 by Jethro Tull, including "Thick as a Brick" and "Aqualung." 5 John & Yoko, including "Double Fantasy (Stripped Down)," "Sometime in NYC," "Milk & Honey" and "Lennon Acoustic." 6 Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, including "Orange," "Acme" and "Extra Width." 5 Stereolab, including "Space Age Bachelor Pad Music," "The Last of the Microbe Hunters," "Dots & Loops," "Sound Dust" and "Emperor Tomato Ketchup." 5 Various Artists, including Morrissey's "Years of Refusal," "Viva Hate" and "Bona Drag"; and The Smiths's "Louder Than Bombs" and "The Queen is Dead." 20 weeks -- 27 weeks from April to October minus 3 hot weeks plus three weeks BID-Boston plus one week helping Mom & Dad ======================================