What is the Purpose of life?
I’ve asked a lot of people what they think the purpose of life is.They all gave me answers like ‘purpose of life is to live’.They argued the purpose of life is not to die but what if you want to die?So what is it?Is your purpose in life whatever you want it to be?Is it to be happy?
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Andrew Noselli
The purpose of life is self-actualization, which can be achieved either in relation to others or in relation to your self. Serious study of philosophy, literature, history and psychology is needed in order to develop a personality that includes, at the same time, the freedom to live creatively and the moral conviction that prevents one from being dominated by those power-systems that seep into you thru the dynamics of your profession and your political stance.
Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago
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To survive, procreation and to prosper.
Anonymous · 11 hours ago
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To play out your story for yourself and others to see and judge
alison · 1 day ago
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If you had searched YA, you'd find that your question has been asked two and a half million times, with this answer included.
If you quiet yourself and look at why matter has a drive to survive, to evolve, to have a self, an ego identity, and consciousness, or why does matter even exists and become these things, life's meaning becomes obvious. Even after an eternity of time, there still would be no reason for it to exist and become what it is, except for a vast intelligence that had to create it with infinitely complex physics in its design, as it pursues higher evolved levels of consciousness, until it reaches the human form and God's consciousness is complete. And this indicates purpose and meaning.
Evolution evolves consciousness, and with consciousness the universe is able know itself. There wouldn't be a point for existence if it didn't know that it existed. It becomes completely conscious as a human but is trapped in its complete identification to being a human form and doesn't experience its reality of being formless and infinite. It has to deliberately find its freedom by first knowing that it's ignorant of its true Self. It is discovering that it doesn't know itself that will eventually lead it back.
This has been going on forever, because by existence knowing itself, it creates its own unknowingness, its own eternal unconsciousness, from out of a non-definable vacuum state that's best described as infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite power that is non-dualistic. Its consciousness is Reality and its unconsciousness creates an infinite illusion of existence as the universe in order to become conscious in a human form and then find its way back to its real Self.
God Speaks by Meher Baba
7Flightsup · 2 days ago
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the purpose of life is to die
STORMY K · 2 days ago
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☯𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦♥
You have your own life; therefore, you have your own purpose. What you intend the results of your life to be, even as they are temporary, is your purpose(s).
☯𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦♥ · 2 days ago
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All hat
That can be taken two ways, and people always mix them up. 1) Purpose = "mission from god". (or other creator, just "from above"). Well we, and all things on earth, seem to have only three things hard-wired into us. Get Born, Get Laid, Get Lost. 2) Purpose = how to be happy. Happy requires two things: genuine love, and decent behavior. Find love, behave decently, and you can't help but be happy. Fail to do either thing, and it's a struggle.
All hat · 2 days ago
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Houston, we have a problem
The true purpose of life....to perpetuate the DNA molecule. Think about it..."life" is simply different forms to support the existence and procreation of DNA. We're just meat puppets.
Houston, we have a problem · 3 days ago
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Yes, the purpose in life is whatever you choose. At one moment, a person may determine that a spoon can be used for the purpose of transferring soup from a bowl. At another moment a spoon may serve to dig a small hole in soil. It is a living hand that wields a spoon, not a dead one. Life gives one the opportunity to experience one's surroundings, interpret the meaning of those experiences, and choose to purposefully act. Death is the end of all such opportunities.
tizzoseddy · 3 days ago
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St Frank prayed—Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned”
And maybe in there we have an answer.....
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