Do you think there will be a second life after death?
Yes, I believe this life is not truly important, in the sense that it's just a prelude to one's being, to the Being of Beings.
Andrew Noselli · 2 hours ago
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John P
A SECOND life after death? Isn't one enough, as in Christianity?
John P · 9 hours ago
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Do you "THINK" there will be a SECOND "LIFE" after death ?
is the question do you "IMAGINE" there will be a second life ?
there is no EVIDENCE to base any conclusion
for a 2nd life after life or reincarnation
DEATH : the irreversible cessation of all vital functions, especially as indicated by the stoppage of the HEART, RESPIRATION and Brain activity the END of life
Even PERENNIAL plants are not actual DEATH and REBIRTH
but rather a cycle of dormancy
Here is how the DUMMY CON works
# 1 BUBBA asserts he has a PINK UNICORN
( god heaven hell afterlife ) in his garage
# 2 BUBBA convinces BILLY BOB to accept it
just because BUBBA "SAID SO "
# 3 BUBBA refuses to OPEN the garage door
# 4 BUBBA gets SPECIAL status in society
# 5 Bubba & Billy Bob repeat the claim to other
and they accept it and are now they ALL
are considered arrogantly SPECIAL
# 6 When QUESTIONED about the claim
they all learn how to play VENTRILOQUIST for the "god" or Karma
WOOWOO · 16 hours ago
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Maybe a leaf in the next life :D
an · 16 hours ago
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Yes, as per the Bible.
The New Testament (recommended reading)
A C · 20 hours ago
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Houston, we have a problem
No. Even if there was, that possibility is absolutely meaningless to us in this life.
Houston, we have a problem · 21 hours ago
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A good description of soul-personality's progress, both nightly during sleep and soul-travel, and post-passing, is given in C. S. Lewis' novella "The Great Divorce;" an easy read, gives in 120 pages what these also give:
"Watch Your Dreams;"
"The Path of the Higher Self;"
"Man, Master of His Destiny;"
"Autobiography of a Yogi;"
"Beams from Meher Baba;"
"Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven and Other Miracles;"
"Imagine Heaven" by John Burke.
The Soul-field that you Are never dies; it is akin to the Inner Child of Light, which intuits and trusts its higher Self, always remaining in the Image and likeness of God. However, the soul personality has to elect to become the new man or new woman in Christ, Truth, i.e., to become what they really already are in God. That is the challenge for soul-awareness: to elect to focus its consciousness on the Good, God, and become it. In that way, the mortal or old person with their deeds is like a curtain obscuring or concealing the Light of the inner Child, and the new man or woman in Christ is like a curtain that reveals the Christ radiance, immortality, divine Life, Truth, and Love. It is not for nothing that Jesus at 33 yet called God "Abba, Father (in the affectionate sense of "Dad;" thus, both pre- and post-Nietzsche, "God is Dad").
j153e · 1 day ago
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Being a soul, you've always and will always exist. That's the problem with ETs and spirits who come back to haunt them; they don't like it. And so they use electronic devices to trap haunting spirits, just like "Ghost Buster" movie. So as a result, we, as spirits, are pretty messed up because of what ETs and their electronics have done to us. But once the universe is cycled into another beginning in the Golden Age Yuga, our spirits will be renewed and life will be pleasurable and normal.
7Flightsup · 1 day ago
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If such metaphysics are true, then, given the enormous age of the universe, the life would certainly be more than my second. I mean, if such is true, wouldn't it mean I had a life before this one? Why would I with my ongoing consciousness that supersedes death have just blinked into the universe now some 11 billion years later? If my consciousness survives death to go on to additional life, then it stands to reason that that's what this life is, too, that I started sometime very long ago and didn't just blink into existence a couple of decades ago.
Nancy · 1 day ago
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What started,
That doesn't have to leave.
Blind allthough seeing?
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