Thursday, April 12, 2007

The War for Money


Part One of coup d'etate in America took place when President Kennedy was assassinated; Part Two began on September 11, 2001.

Iran wants to start it's own nuclear program because it believes it's standard of living can best maintained and preserved if it is not completely reliant on oil as the sole energy resource, and reports suggesting that Iran's oil deposits are not as extensive as previously thought appear to bear that out. Recent CIA analysis agree with the conclusion that Iran is not actively working on establishing a nuclear weapons capability. No, this is a war for greed and imperial domination over the world. Green is not limited to the United States: Iran is looking to enrich it's own nuclear fuel because it refuses to comply with the World Nuclear Fuel Market and pay according to the Uranium Price Information System. Israel, who already has nuclear weapons, has significant debts, as they owe Iran hundreds of millions of dollars for oil imports during the 1970s - but they do not want to pay, either.

The statements made by Ahmadinejad appear to advocate acts of terror and make him an obvious destabilizing threat that should approached with a high degree of vigilance and forbearance, but it appears to me that his statements and actions are made of bluster and propaganda. The usage and credibility of threatening words and actions vary quite widely from nation to nation and from culture to culture and the way communication takes place between the Iraqi President and his people can vary to an astonishing degree, according to the stage of technological and social-political composition of the country. George Bush has discovered that, by taking on an Evangelical relationship with the public where acts committed in good faith and in accordance with the principles principles of social propriety, his actions can ultimately be removed from any moral ambiguity. He lays things out plainly for a general public that finds itself being rendered increasingly simply by the expanding complexity of the individual's relationship to the social world. No consensus of opinion can be easily located.

The hijacking of the planes - from the takeover of the planes themselves and to the destruction they caused upon impact - were executed with a precision that betrays a military presence. One theory hold that the planes that flew over Stewart Airforce Base in New Windsor, NY were landed and replaced by military plans that we disguised to look like commercial aircraft, aircraft that contained bombs of some unknown nature, perhaps a classified weapon that caused the World trade Center to be demolished in an unconventional way, both buildings peeling apart like a banana and falling to ashes in seconds. World Trade Center Building #7, which contained the offices of numerous governmental agencies was also demolished to cover the tracks of those responsible. The debris pile at the base of the WTC site was treated not as a crime scene subject to thorough forensic analysis and examination - the demands of capital necessitated that business re-commence the following week - but as a sore to be quarantined and cleaned up as soon as possible. Ground zero was a toxic site that caused cancer and various other illnesses in 40,000 of the disaster cleanup recovery workers. Perhaps the low-grade bunker-buster nuclear weapons that have been proposed for use in Iran to dismantle their nascent nuclear capabilities were tested on 9/11 ? If so, then Ground Zero is a very apt name.

From my study of the event that took place in Washington D.C. and my analysis of the damage to the Pentagon, I can only conclude that no human pilot could have executed those maneuvers. It has been suggested that all four planes/missiles were navigated by some sort of remote operator, and the appearance of Dov Zakheim as in the Department of Defense adds to this theory. Zakheim was formerly vice president of System Planning Corp., a defense contractor which makes remote control and flight termination products. He is credited with recovering 66% of the $2.6 Trillion that Rumsfeld announced was missing on September 10, 2001.

The Office of Special Planning was a newly created Pentagon department designed to fix the intelligence was would lead us into the Iraq war.

After numerous legal disputes, two or three video images of the crash at the Pentagon have been released, but only as brief stop-motion images that fail to show the presence of planes or any type of aircraft, just the explosion itself. Other videos remain confiscated and classified.

Options trading pre-9/11 indicates that others had foreknowledge of the precise nature of the attacks. The months and weeks leading up to the attacks are permeated with a heightening of tensions that is evident in the actions of government officials and executives.

Larry Silverstein became the new owner of the World Trade Center two months prior to the 9/11 attacks, the first time that the building - which curiously began construction on 9/11/71 - had ever changed hands. He immediately re-negotiates the insurance coverage amounts on the complex of buildings and in the following years has received judgments in the billions.

It defies logic that the entire U.S. Government, including NORAD, was caught unaware to such an extent and no-one is held responsible. The buck is passed from one agency to another and all parties and actors are pardoned and excused from responsibility thru a collective will of a people over burdened with the destruction that has been witnessed. The elaborate multiple wargames that were staged on 9/11 provide the necessary cover required to execute this military deception/psychological operation that was perpetrated on the America people and simultaneously on the rest of the world.

Cheney appeared on Sunday morning television a few weeks after 9/11, saying that presidential authority was needed to intercept the hijacked planes, which is itself duplicitous, as no such authority is required but is in fact Standard Operating Procedure.

The multiple data recorders from not one but all four flights were destroyed or lost of said to contain no relevant information. FAA tape recordings of communications with the planes were destroyed in a fashion that denies logic.

George Bush Sr. has business connections and dealings with the Bin Laden family. They were even together on the day of the attacks and, along with many other Saudi Arabians, this wealthy family were an exception to the rule that permitted no air travel during the week following 9/11.

The U.S. military and the British military both began operations that deployed in Afghanistan mere weeks after 9/11. This is too short a period of time from the event itself to believe that a multi-national military machine could begin operating if not planned prior to the event itself. The British have set a deadline to begin withdraw from Iraq but we cannot, as we appear to be intent of broadening the conflict - war has broken out in Africa and the Philippines and potentially Lebanon and Korea - but still the line is given that the war itself is not widening.

Polls show that the general population is prepared to accept undetermined infringements on their civil liberties for the sake of global security and to defeat an undefined enemy.

The emergency of the figure of Hugo Chavez on the international scene as a critic of the globalists and the Americanization of world culture is something that strikes me as being of profound importance. To what extent the widespread socialist changes he plans to make to Venezuelan society will be successful and to what extent the other countries of the region, specifically Bolivia and Ecuador and others, will continue to align themselves according to his model is something that should be watched intently.

Our memories of our experience on the day of September 11, 2001 are all we have of the event itself. While there are a few video shots that are repeated on an annual basis, it all seems like a bad memory. There are no direct legal ramifications that were made in response to the event itself, just a heightened level of security, suspicion and paranoia. Will the execution of Saddam Hussein be sufficient as an act of retaliatory justice, or was it merely an act of revenge that we used as a substitute for this need ?

When the U.S. Solicitor-General argues before the Supreme Court that officials have the right to lie to the public to protect reign policy interests, do the people make a connection between this statement and the one made by members of the 9/11 Commission, who said they were misled by the Pentagon ?

The 9/11 Commission was an investigative body chaired by Phillip Zelikow, a close associate of President Bush, and was funded with only a fraction of the resources committed to investigating Bill Clinton's sexual improprieties. And when the Inspector General says that, contrary to earlier reports, the Able Danger operation did not target Mohammed Atta and the other terrorists who were training in Florida. He said that it would not have been able to prevent 9/11 anyhow, and all the data has been lost or destroyed regarding this matter, too. A statement made on September

CIA dismantles unit set up to capture Osama bin Laden. President Bush, who once announced that he would capture bin Laden "dead or alive" now would have us believe that bin Laden is not an issue and said, mere months later, that he does not give bin Laden much thought. A French newspaper reported that bin Laden was hovering near death just days before the 9/11 attacks and may have died shortly thereafter. Or else he died soon after the war in Afghanistan began - or he died in Tora Bora - or he continues to find sanctuary in Pakistan, a country where a military coup has occurred and where there has been a great deal or back and forth and sometimes strained relations during the past five years. From George Tenent's trip to Pakistan in pre-9/11 2001 to the Director of the Pakistani intelligence supplying funds to Mohammed Atta. To what extend was the Mossad (Israeli intelligence agency), who have been known to recruit Paki nationals to pose as Islamic extremists, involved in this development and were the five Israeli nationals who were apprehended in New Jersey on 9/11 - celebrating and gesticulating in triumph - involved in tracking the progress and development of the terror plot ?

Newt Gingrich says that we are in World War Three while James Woolsey has us at World War Four. Newt goes as far as to warn us that freedom of speech may have to be limited, or else we may lose a major American city before it's over.

Condoleezza Rice denies that George Tenent told her of a possible attack from Al-Qaeda and Tenent refuses to comment on this matter. He is not made to testify under oath but is awarded the Medal of Freedom instead. Rice did not want to testify before the 9/11 Commission, but eventually stands before the panel as a reluctant witness. Bush and Cheney only agree to do so in private, meeting with the commission as a paid, thus assuring that there could be no disagreements between them.

There are factions within all agencies working with various directives. We are told that there are many who have a deep respect for the constitution and a profound love for America but they all appear to be holding their breath until this administration has departed. No one wants to blow their security clearance so no one is forthcoming with information or opinion that runs counter to the established narrative. 'What difference would it make anyway ?' I suspect they think along this line. "Too much water has gone under the bridge to make a difference." If someone came forth with conclusive proof that that 9/11 was permitted to occur, would there be more than a ripple of public emotion or would Katie Couric take that in strike, too ? The collective agony of the public that is conscious of all of the atrocities that have been committed up to this point would not be assuaged by this revelation.

The Taliban wiped out poppy production in Afghanistan, but after the U.S. invasion opium production rose to $200 Million in the world market.

The dot com bubble ended and the market crashed in March 2000. I decided to head down to Wall Street where I worked for W.J. Nolan and had a terrific view of the World Trade Center standing in all of its majesty. But little did I know that the world was experiencing a convergence of interests that would be made real in an earth-shaking impact on September 11, 2001.

It was more than just a simple market correction, more than a prolonged market downturn, there was a crisis in the banking world in 2001 as a result of several events that rocked the major financial houses of the world. Russia was raped and Argentine collapsed. In 2000, when I first obtained my securities license, I worked for a small broker on Fifth Avenue named Dalton Kent. One day the partners were very excited about a company called Caspian Resources, which they had been told was going to appreciate very rapidly. Caspain Resources must have been a company that was looking to start extracting oil from the Eurasian Balkan, an enterprise that was formerly being sought after by the UNOCAL Corporation. During the 1990s, the oil company UNOCAL wanted to build just such a pipeline but the deal was called off because of political unrest in Afghanistan. The deal was actually called off in 1997 while the Taliban were in Washington D.C. The fact that China needs to import over 6,000,000 barrels of oil a day meant the race would soon be on to build an oil pipeline through Kazakhstan straight thru to Central Asia.

A VP of UNOCAL testified before the House in 1998 that UNOCAL cannot start building the pipeline until Afghanistan is settled politically, a country which the pipeline needs to go through to ensure the highest profit levels. UNOCAL hires Henry Kissinger as an adviser, as will the Chinese oil industry after the attacks.

Hamid Karzai, a former employee for UNOCAL, will be installed as President of Afghanistan after the U.S. intervention.

Zbigniew Brzezinsky writes a book in the late 1970s, where he says that a multi-cultural America is less likely to be able to reach a consensus that was the more homogeneous America of the past. He decides that the most favorable socio-dynamic environment for building a consensus among the Americans occurs when the populace perceives their way of life as being under attack.

The Neocons Pearl and Wolfowitz, who were referred to in the White House as the 'crazies' during the first Bush administration suddenly found that the had the ear of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld. They said that America was the number one superpower in the world and this position could be made real and lasting by taking actions that would establish America as the leader for the 21st century. The project of globalization was dominating political science in the 1990s and it seemed that America's place in the world could potentially be overtaken or could be marginalized by economic blocks such as the European Union. The neocons, along with William Kristol, created the Project for the New American Century and published a document a year before 9/11 titled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses", which said that these goals might not be realized unless a transformative event, a kind of new Pearl Harbor, took place and shocked the American people such that they would permit this extension of hegemonic power in such a co-ordinated manner.

The NSA cracked bin Laden's code in February 2001, but it did not matter. Despite all of the warnings from international sources and inter-agency pleas for action,the September 11th plans that would come to fruition on September 11, 2001 continued to be developed. A visa express service is instituted and airport security is relaxed, especially at Boston Logan, where Huntleigh Security was in charge. A judge ruled that this security company could not be subject to legal action. That much I remember !


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