Reading List - 2016
Reading List - 2016
Alfred Korzybski - Manhood of Humanity - Philosophy - 210 pages
Henry James - The Princess Casamassima - Literature - 590 pages
Sigmund Freud - The Psychopathology of Everyday Life - Psychology - 145 page excerpt
Plato - Laws - Philosophy - 576 pages
Eugene O'Neill - The Hairy Ape - Drama - 100 pages
Romaine Rolland - Jean-Christophe - Literature - 500 pages
Eugene O'Neill - Anna Christie - Drama - 100 pages
Emile Zola - The Belly of Paris - Literature - 287 pages
Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams - Psychology - 400 page excerpt
Romaine Rolland - Jean-Christophe In Paris - Literature - 450 pages
Herman Melville - The Piazza Tales - Literature - 170 pages
Eugene O'Neill - The First Man - Drama - 100 pages
D.H. Lawrence - The Complete Short Stories, Volume 2 - Literature - 220 pages
Henri Rene Guy de Maupassant - Bel Ami - Literature - 400 pages
Romaine Rolland - Jean-Christophe: Journey's End - Literature - 650 pages
Theodore Dreiser - An American Tragedy - Literature - 880 pages
--- Justin wrote: Hey Andrew, are you becoming a slacker? j/k that's like half your 2015 list, but still a lot bigger than mine haha. Any recommended readings? I need to pick a few books to read in 2017. I'm a big slacker. Happy New Year my friend!! --- Andrew wrote: You're right, Justin, I really didn't read much this year -- at least not from March to November. From March to June I was busy downloading compact discs onto my new computer (an HP laptop), from July to October I just couldn't read much because it was so freaking hot (I just can't seem to concentrate when I'm hot like that) I'm very sensitive to the sun because I take Risperdal, anytime it's over 80 degrees I just wilt, and from October to November my new computer was in Indiana being repaired because the disc drive would not open as it is supposed to. Thanks for noticing my shortcomings - ha ha ! I promise to spend more time reading in 2017, at least during the Spring and Summer months.
Best wishes and Happy New Year to you and your family, too ! -- regards, Andrew B. Noselli
P.S. I can think of nothing better for you to read than the last book I finished reading, An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser. I don't want to give anything away so I'll remain mum on why you ought to read it. --- Justin: Thanks for the reading suggestion. I have been so busy it's not fun. Having a few old apartment issues. Front door lock busted, Kat's ceiling is AGAIN leaking really bad (landlord finally coming tomorrow, it is a major fix), and I really slacked donating old stuff. Catching up. I am horrible in the heat, always have been. Sensitive to sun too. When you have all your music downloaded, I always back up on an external HD or thumb drive. I have multiple 32 gb thumb drives packed with music lol. I used to be OCD with backing up all my music, DATA CD's, DATA DVD's, multiple computers and harddrives. My music is super well organized. Just DL the book, let's see how long it takes me to read it lol. This week I am shot. I wrote 4 motions. I had half day hearing today, half day tomorrow, 1/4 day hearings thurs and fri. My whole month of January SUCKS!!! lol Feb better, March worse, April I am trying to have ACL surgery, let's see if that happens. Anyway, good to hear from you. Thanks for the New Year wishes! --- Andrew: Dear Justin,
I am about to leave my apt. to go see my therapist in Duxbury, Mass. I take a Dial-a-Ride transit bus, which provides door-to-door service. Gee, you're working a lot ! Are those all billing hours ?
Thank you for downloading "An American Tragedy." You did do that, didn't you? You were kind of writing short-hand style. Good luck with your surgery in April, I will be praying for your recovery !
Best always, ABN --- Justin: Yeah I dl'd it, but it didn't then upload to read for some reason, I have to try again. I am mostly flat fee, very few billable things. Let's hope I actually have the surgery. I keep putting off. lol In NY we have access-a-ride, two of my friends drive those buses. One has had 2 accidents last fall, he may be looking for a job soon, lol. Though neither were his fault apparently. He was rear-ended twice. Arctic freeze hitting east coast for the next week. Stay warm!! --- Andrew: Are u going to be able to watch the Giants playoff game this weekend ? (It's Sunday at 4:40 PM.)
Best, Andrew
--- Justin: Hey Andrew,
I totally forgot to respond. I watched the Giants, HORRIBLE. At least GB beat the Cowboys, so all I have to deal with is my cousins in Milwaukee. Rodgers woke up in time for the playoffs it appears haha. How are things?
Hope all is well. --- Andrew: I, too, was very disappointed by the Giants' performance. I'll go for any Super Bowl combination of teams except Patriots/Packers, as we saw that one in 1997. I was hoping for Cheifs/Falcons or Chiefs/Packers, but Kansas City is done !
Who do you think will be in Super Bowl 51 ? --- Justin: Anyone but patriots for me haha. Don't love Rodgers either but he's playing well. // Hit send too quick. I am guessing Patriots and Packers (close call with Falcons)... --- Andrew: I really don't like the Patriots, either (they're too good), but I would prefer them over the Steelers.
I hope your week goes by quickly ! --- Justin: I don't mind the Steelers. I think they won a few years ago though, not sure. Thanks, I hope my week goes by quick too, and then the weekend goes slow. Never happens! Though I took yesterday off and was very productive at home. Today worked until 7, non stop.... Have a great week too.
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