...thoughts about the 2016 election...
Speaker A: I watch the cable news channels all day long, and here's what I think: it seems to me that the people on FOX News are hysterics, but I think the people on CNN are clueless as to the threat extremist ideology poses to our way of life. I'm sorry to admit it, but I think Al-Jazeera TV provides the most accurate news information. They didn't dwell too long on the mass shooting in San Bernardino. I think if there are additional acts of terror, like the one at Inland Regional, Donald Trump will win the nomination - but I still think he will lose to Hillary Clinton, because Trump alienated women before he made his straightforward and sensible remark that we should have a temporary ban on Muslims traveling into the United States. Donald Trump shoots from the hip and talks a little off-the-cuff, but I don't think he's that wrong. I don't support him because I don't think he has personality of a politician and would not have the same moral commitment to the country that many of the other candidates would. My father and I both agree that John Kasich is the most professional candidate among the Republicans, but I don't think he has enough support to win the nomination. ========== Speaker M: I think Kasich has the most thoughtful and nuanced understanding of the role of government, of the R.s. But I also remember his bomb throwers days: they invented the dead-ender mess we have. I think whites have to get used to the idea that the USA is going to change dramatically. The middle class is disappearing, mostly slipping into poverty; and Asian, Hispanic and black citizens are having more babies than whites. Trump is saying whatever anxious whites will listen to. The ship of good times and shared prosperity has sailed. Thieves and liars walked away with enough loot to buy what people think. Americans made some colossal mistakes, and colossal mistakes have consequences. Americans bought into confidence men's wiles, and troubles are mounting. As a democrat, I blame my neighbors who got suckered, and dragged the rest of us into this losers game. Ground down in a stupid war, hustled out of the basic niceties of civilized nations, and all we can do is sit and watch R's policy inanities. I only hope the average Republican starts to understand what a suckers game they were sucked and into. ..... Trump is antithetical to an informed, intelligent conversation about anti-terror policy. ISIL idiots are baiting Western conservatives into another ruinous war. Trump is a self-serving fool. Working class white Americans have already gullibly given away their prosperity and future to the rich guys they foolishly identify with, gullibly dragging the rest of us into another losing proposition. America's death wish. ========== Speaker A: I know a man in his 60s, Bill Price, who lives across the street from my parents. I was in his house a few weeks ago on Thanksgiving Day and he showed me his computer set-up in his bedroom. He doesn't listen to CDs, he goes to Youtube and listens to "TRAP" music. I don't think I like it, but I wonder if you are familiar with this style of music ? I just got back from therapy in Duxbury, Massachusetts and I am about to eat lunch. I'm listening to Keith Jarrett's 6-CD collection of concerts recorded live at the Blue Note and I am watching Donald Trump's post-debate rally in Mesa, Arizona. I think my parents are going to vote for him. I personally believe he will re-instate the draft to fight ISIS and declare America bankrupt to eliminate the national debt, so I think he is a dangerous choice. I prefer John Kasich, he is the most professional Republican speaker but I don't think he will get the support necessary to win the nomination. If the election is between Trump and Hillary it will be a very close election, I believe, like the one between George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000. What are your thoughts on these two topics: TRAP and TRUMP ? ========== Speaker J: I don't know if i'm familiar with Trap. I will have to check it out. I can't stand Trump. He is just an idiot who spreads fear and stupidity. We don't live in a perfect world, we do have to be cautious of our enemies, but the key to fixing this is to be positive, work on fixing poverty and education problems.... just my 2 cents...
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